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Help for a Geek stuck on dialup.....

edited January 2007 in GeekNights
Okay, while I'm home I'm stuck on 56k...worse, AOL 56k, my mom signed a 3 year agreement with them to get a reduced rate. I'm willing to spend the time downloading, I can deal with that. However, the server the podcasts are hosted on utterly hate me. I've been trying since Thursday to download this podcast, and it keeps running slower than normal(sometimes as little as .3 kb per second) and Juice just declared this sucker done when it hadn't hit 30% yet, it gave up. Could someone please upload the podcast to a server I can get a resumable download on? I'd really appreciate it since the only way I can get high speed internet is to go to the library, which I probably won't be able to do again for a while. Thanks in advance. And before anyone reccomends them, to the best of my knowledge, Rapidshare, Yousendit, MegaUpload, and Gigasize are all non resumable unless you install their voodoo programs that are probably full of spam. I'd much rather use DownThemAll.
Oh, almost forgot, I tried using DownThemAll on the regular link, it's just as bad, if not worse


  • I'm sorry, but we just can not accommodate anyone using dial-up. Asking us to do so is like asking Valve to make sure Half-Life 2 works with Voodoo video cards. It's great that you want to listen to our show so badly. However, if dial-up is all you have, then I can't do anything for you. If you are willing to wait the insane amount of time for the podcast to download at 56k, then you should have no problem waiting until you can go to where there is a decent connection. You must have a library, school, cafe or friend's house you can go to. Your best bet is to go there and put the episodes on your mp3 player, a USB drive or a CD.

    You know. I haven't done the math on this, but it is interesting. I think it is possible that we actually create new podcasting content faster than someone could download it with dial-up. Even if you had a working dial-up connection, you might not be able to finish downloading one episode of GeekNights before the next one came out. I have to do the math on this one. It's not likely, but it is possible.
  • Actually, I randomly tried downloading with downthemall again since I was going to be online, it's already almost to the point where Juice had been. Before it had been kicking and struggling and not working, but now it's going. The problem will be if it won't let me resume. I can usually get the average 20-30 meg podcast within 5 hours, I haven't measured it exactly, but especially since I'm usually on when fewer are(mid day or late late at night), it goes faster than normal, and I think downthemall helps. I'm sorry, I got frustrated by unusually bad luck with Juice tonight. I wasn't asking you guys to use a reduced bit rate or anything, just that someone could maybe put this one episode on a resumable server. Do you happen to have any control over the resumablity of the files? Sometimes it seems to be resumable, sometimes not, it's very odd, and this is even when I'm on my school's high speed network. And, in case you care, I doubt you do, but what the heck, the only place I could go is the library.
  • Most libraries today have free wi-fi for members with a library card.
  • just that someone could maybe put this one episode on a resumable server.
    Web resume was a poorly implemented, easily exploited, broken feature that came and went with the warez days of a decade ago. No reputable service uses it anymore...

    It sucks that you have dialup, but there's nothing we can really do for you.
  • edited January 2007
    Most libraries today have free wi-fi for members with a library card.
    If you have a wi-fi card, you could always see if your neighbors have an unprotected network...not that I condone such an action...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited January 2007
    There was more to this post originally, but the quote function didn't work and I didn't feel like figuring out how to fix. Anyhow, I'll figure out something, whether it's being raped by the local bus company to go to the library or whatever.....Sorry for causing a fuss, I was being stupid, I guess. I would like to clear up a possible misunderstanding, though. When I use the DownThemAll attachment for Firefox, I can resume most downloads if I can't finish them in one session, or if I get disconnected. For some reason libsyn doesn't allow it, nor do some files on Well, sometimes libsyn does, but this file, I guess not, dunno why.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • I got it! I finally got a nice stable connection and decent speed, so I got it. Sorry again for bugging everyone
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