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How can this be considered not part of campaigning

edited January 2008 in Politics
Huckabee Eschews Politics for Preaching

I love these stories of Huckabee not making a political speech at some church and instead giving a sermon. In the end isn't it accomplishing the same thing. Your either in a campaign or your not. Every action you do, that you tell the media or they report on you about is part of the campaign. A candidate giving a sermon at a church has the same effect as a church endorsing a candidate and should be prohibited or the church should lose it's tax exempt status.



  • I don't really see how endorsing a politician should have anything to do with non-profit status.

    I think the criteria for a non-profit should be simple... if someone is personally making money off if it, it's not non-profit. This includes anyone drawing a salary.
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