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edited May 2008 in Politics
N. Carolina! W00t!!!111oneoneone

Come on Indiana! Get off your Hoosier asses and vote for Obama! Stupid Hoosiers!


  • He's bringing peace to Nigeria and he isn't even president yet...
  • My brother voted for him today.
  • edited May 2008
    He'sbringing peace to Nigeriaand he isn't even president yet...
    Do you know why there are only eleven Federal Circuits? He ate the twelfth one.

    OMG! They haven't counted Lake and Porter county areas yet! That's right by Chicago! They also haven't counted the counties around Purdue and Indianapolis! It could be done!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited May 2008
    N. Carolina! W00t!!!111oneoneone
    While I agree with voting for Obama, I don't agree with your grammar. Save that for 4chan, stuff like that get's you banned around here.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • While I agree with voting for Obama, I don't agree with your grammar. Save that for 4chan, stuff like that get's you banned in these parts.
    fUcKz yOu d00dz!!!1ondao1!1elseviansefoia!!111eleventyone11!11
  • edited May 2008
    While I agree with voting for Obama, I don't agree with your grammar. Save that for 4chan, stuff like that get's you banned in these parts.
    fUcKz yOu d00dz!!!1ondao1!1elseviansefoia!!111eleventyone11!11
    This counts as an exception since we are all Obama fanboyz. He's a BarackStar!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Barack Attack!
  • What time did the polls close in North Carolina?
  • Either Joe's drunk, or they finally force-fed him antidepressants.
  • Barack Attack!
  • edited May 2008
    Either Joe's drunk, or they finally force-fed him antidepressants.
    I'm high on the musky scent of Obama, man!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Come on Indiana! Get off your Hoosier asses and vote for Obama! Stupid Hoosiers!
    A note from a former Hoosier and current Pennsylvanian: major remnants of the KKK are still active in both states. Why are we wondering on the racial divide again? Sure the assumption is that race is big issue south of Mason-Dixon, but just remember that the Klan's who shtick is that no one knows who they are.

    Closet racists for the lose.
  • 08ama
    08@M@ 4 73H W1NZ0RZ!!!111!!
  • edited May 2008
    I'm happy. ^_^

    I really hope he wins Indiana.
    While I agree with voting for Obama, I don't agree with your grammar. Save that for 4chan, stuff like that get's you banned around here.
    This made me lolz.

    Hungryjoe > ninjarabii FTW!!!!1111one!!!thirteenthirtyseven!!1337!!one!1spam!!lolz!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited May 2008
    Obama we love
    Your sexy politics and
    you will crush McSame.

    DC will be yours
    We all bask in the glory
    of Obamalot!
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Clinton won Indiana by two points.

  • Clinton won Indiana by two points.

    Yea, at this point I regret staying up till 1 am watching the results.. But, Since Hillary needed to actually win in some way that actually added to her popular vote count (her argument) and pledge delegates, this is still a HUGE loss for her. She was supposed to be making gains and hurting Obama. Now she really has few options left to her.
  • Doesn't the fact that she is still winning point out that the race is not over?
  • edited May 2008
    Doesn't the fact that she is still winning point out that the race is not over?
    No. It's over.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • It's over unless her magic math is used. She still wants to seat all the delegates from Michigan and Florida. Her campaign is now claiming that the nominee must get 2209 delegates instead of 2025. That includes those from MI and FL which she won, being the only candidate on the ballot.
  • In a game of hockey, you can score at most one point in one second. With a single second left in play, the most you can hope for is a shot and a goal. If you are down by two points, and there is one second left, you've already lost even though the game isn't over.

    Think of this past Super Bowl (think about it for a long time Pats fans, hahaha!). The game wasn't over, but the coaches and teams were already coming across the field to shake hands and such. Why? Although the clock had not run out, there was no chance of the Patriots winning, mathematically speaking.

    Hillary Clinton's Campaign is like a hockey team down by 5 insisting that they play that final second, as if they can somehow score five goals. The media is going along with it because it makes for excitement. Nothing is more exciting than a huge comeback victory at the last second, right? If you keep that possibility open, even only in people's minds, you create suspense and interest.

    Really, I think what we're seeing here is sour grapes. Clinton isn't stupid. She knows she's lost. The way I see it, she is saying "If the Democrats don't pick me, I'll make sure those Democrats lose by doing as much damage as I can now." You want to give someone the most important job in the world who plays these baby games?
  • Bad analogy.

    This is more of a case where two people are competing to be in the big game. One of them was an early favorite while the other is a late favorite. Neither one has enough support to say "I won" based on the crowd reaction alone. Instead each of them has to get enough outside judges to vote for them.

    Remember, the Super Delegate system was created to stop the Democrat voters from picking someone that the party officials do not think can win the general election. Primary voters are typically made up of a high amount of fringe party members. Just because the fringe has your back does not mean you will win in the general. You need to have the base (One thing McCain lacks).

    Hillary has been vetted, Obama has not. The whole point of Operation Chaos was to get Hillary to vette Obama because the McCain camp has already announced that they will not attack Obama in the general election.

    No matter who wins in the fall it will be a liberal in the White House. I was beginning to warm up to a Hillary presidency until she started spouting about going after OPEC and breaking their monopoly. Yeah, that will turn out well!

    At any rate November will be interesting.
  • The whole point of Operation Chaos was to get Hillary to vette Obama because the McCain camp has already announced that they will not attack Obama in the general election.
    If that's true, the plan was wildly successful.

    I lost a lot of respect for Hillary when she supported the bogus gas-tax holiday. Of course I didn't have much respect to begin with.
  • I lost a lot of respect for Hillary when she supported the bogus gas-tax holiday. Of course I didn't have much respect to begin with.
    Psh, Economists? Who needs them.
  • The whole point of Operation Chaos was to get Hillary to vette Obama because the McCain camp has already announced that they will not attack Obama in the general election.
    If that's true, the plan was wildly successful.

    I lost a lot of respect for Hillary when she supported the bogus gas-tax holiday. Of course I didn't have much respect to begin with.
    Yes, it was. No one wanted to call the guy out on anything due to fears of being labeled a racist. I have to give mad props to Obama for pointing out that the attacks that have come his way have not been racist in nature even when others in the media were labeling them as such. McCain got burnt on that when he labeled the attacks based on Rev Wright as racist only to have Obama come out and say they were not racist but legitimate political issues.
  • edited May 2008
    Lawrence O'Donnell has been pretty reliable about such things in the past and he says Hillary will drop out by June 15.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Lawrence O'Donnell has been pretty reliable about such things in the past and he saysHillary will drop out by June 15.
    I'll believe him. The few times he was a guest on Penn Jillette's radio show/podcast were some of the best episodes. The dude is super smart and cool.
  • edited May 2008
    Hillary has a major problem. She stayed in the race too long. By doing so, Obama has zero incentive to give her anything. If she pulled out prior to Pennsylvania, she could have made some serious deals. She no longer has any bargaining power.

    Some points:
    1) There can no doubt now that Obama won. She's got absolutely no claim left. Even her own campaign admits that she can't get it done on elected delegates (and popular vote) if FL and MI are included.
    2) In all likelihood, there's no scandal left for Obama that's going to surface in the next couple of weeks. By May 20, he'll have the delegates sewn up. The Wright problem had no legs. (I admit I blew that call.) Hillary has become a panderer. ($30 illusory gas tax break??) She's actually taken a step back. So the "electability" argument is shot to
    pieces. The polls back this up.
    3) Major Democrats players are going to call for her to give up. George McGovern (her supporter) has already done so.
    4) The Superdelegates are going to fall in line behind Obama at a furious pace.
    5) She's broke and in debt.

    So where's the fear for Obama? If I were him, I'd tell her to take a hike. And here is my point... THERE IS NOTHING SHE CAN GIVE HIM THAT HE NEEDS.

    I guess the only argument would be that she could deliver her supporters. But he'll get them anyway. It's OBAMA that has brought in people to the party - not Hillary. Her reliance on dumb, white rednecks is illusory. No Democrat is ever going to get that vote. You need the black vote, the Latinos, and the young people. Gee, who's got that sewn up? Hillary needs
    Obama's supporters much more than he needs hers.

    Obama sits tight while she looks more pathetic every day. Already the media has turned on her. Bill is really worried about the "Clinton" legacy, and she's got to start thinking about the future. I'm sure she's going to bow out. She wouldn't have canceled her TV appearances otherwise. The question is when.

    And Obama doesn't need to do anything to encourage the inevitable. He owes her nothing, and he should give her nothing.

    She could have really had it all if she left before PA. She knew she had lost prior to PA. She REALLY blew this one.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
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