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To be cliche to the max: I for one welcome our new Google Overlords. The Googlenet is pretty possible. Would you sign up?

To speculate further, Google has a pretty solid solution for basically everything technological. Google doesn't do evil. Even thier policy in china is not really evil: They mark that the searches are censored, and they do make it obvious that when the goverment doesn't want you to know something, it's not that the concept doesn't exist, but rather that the goverment is specifically blocking it. What could be better for getting people to research a topic than to specifcally tell them not to?
What if Google tried a Coup d'état? Would you support a Googleoverment? Personally, I think Google is a heck of a lot more sane, less corrupt, and smarter than any goverment that exists. Google is the closest thing I've seen to a meritocracy with Pagerank. They create simple, easy to use services accessible anywhere. They do monitor everything you do, and parts of that are a little scary, but they're well comitted to not using that information against you where every other ISP/Portal/Goverment wants to. A perfect society would both have constant video survailance of every public place and no need for such, and I think Google much closer to such than we've ever seen before, or are likely to see in the near future.


  • Read this manga and you'll get a good idea of what a Googleocracy will mean in the long-run.
  • This is an updated version of EPIC 2014 flash video that made the rounds on the internets a while ago. I think it's very well done and, while fictional, realistic. It's interesting how the creator meshed reality with fiction. Describing what it's about would ruin it, but you'll understand how it's related to this thread after you watch it.
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