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I Challenge you Linux Fan Boys!

edited September 2008 in Technology
I know I'm asking for beating, but you guys have your chance. I will install and try Linux for one month, maybe two. Your goal is to get me, the Apple Fan Boy of the FRCF, to make me think it's worth while for me to keep it on my limited Mac Book hard drive. Do what ever it takes to get me to be a dual OS X and Linux, booter.

But first, tech specs:
Tech Specs Here. This should give you more than enough hardware info. I have the 17" model and no I'm not rich.

~ Keep it simple.
~ We will all try to keep flame wars to a dull roar.
~ don't be a dick.

So we begin the challenge!


  • edited September 2008
    Morio, I honestly suggest that you don't try Linux, you lack the patience it takes to learn and get the most out of it. You just aren't ready yet. It'll come with time, try it if you want but only you will know when the time is right.

    None of that was meant to sound snarky.

    You could test it out by trying it out in Parallels if you really want to.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited September 2008
    No, I will do it!
    Onward Comrade!
    You could test it out by trying it out in Parallels if you really want to.
    I did back about 6 months ago on my old windows box, It sucked.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • No one cares what OS you use.
  • Morio, I honestly suggest that you don't try Linux, you lack the patience it takes to learn and get the most out of it. You just aren't ready yet. It'll come with time, try it if you want but only you will know when the time is right.
  • edited September 2008
    Morio, I honestly suggest that you don't try Linux, you lack the patience it takes to learn and get the most out of it. You just aren't ready yet. It'll come with time, try it if you want but only you will know when the time is right.
    Pretty much. He's just some noob with an attitude problem set against leaving his Apple shell but if he wants help I'll help him.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • No one cares what OS you use.
    Quoted for truth.

    That said, I've used a few flavors of linux over the years. I'm a little rusty, but if you're serious, I'll help out. Note that VirtualBox is now being offered free of charge by Sun, and now ships with a seamless mode (which I'm not sure applies to linux). This would be a great way to get your feet wet, especially if you're running a machine with hypervisor extensions (which VBox now supports).
  • you lack the patience it takes to learn and get the most out of it.
    As I stated in another thread. But seriously, you are super annoying Morio. Go away.
  • I Challenge you Linux Fan Boys!
    I don't think there is anyone on the forums you could consider to be a Linux fanboy. You are more likely to run into an anti-Apple fanboy fan than anything else on these forums Morio. And go listen to the relevant Geeknights episodes that talk about Linux. All the information you need is mentioned in those. (Hint: Learn to Google.)
  • I would love to use an apple computer, but as a student have very little money. Thus I use a Linux laptop! As a student I used to have a lot of time and basically learned to use Linux by trail and error. If you don't have the patience to do so, or your time doesn't seem worth it, why force yourself?

    But as it has been stated above, I really couldn't care less which operating system you use, as long as you know of Linux.
  • I just think it's funny that the only reason Morio-Kun even has a Mac is because he got lucky at the genius bar, and they gave him a free replacement. If that hadn't happened, he'd be stuck with some eeePC running Linux, because he couldn't afford anything else.
  • I just think it's funny that the only reason Morio-Kun even has a Mac is because he got lucky at the genius bar, and they gave him a free replacement. If that hadn't happened, he'd be stuck with some eeePC running Linux, because he couldn't afford anything else.
    I've would have gotten a Mac eventually, just not for another year or more.
  • Aww, eeePC's are so cute.

    If you want to try linux, listen to geeknights and download an ubuntu iso. Mess around with that. Back up your data. Etc.

    The way that hackers (the good kind) learn things is through self-discovery.
  • If you don't actually want to run Linux, you're just hurting yourself. Learning a new OS, especially one as complex and powerful as Linux, requires dedication and patience. I don't want to convert you; Linux is not going to help you in any way, shape or form. Apple OSX suits your needs just fine, and looks better than canned GNOME or KDE.

    Please, DON'T install Linux. It makes about as much sense for you as sticking your thumb in a pencil sharpener.
  • I think my next PC project will be building a linux PC with Ubuntu Studio... I've always wanted to make a shuttle PC.
  • Can this end well? Linux has no aesthetics and is harsh on its users; these are the source of its main benefits. Apple is the opposite.
  • edited September 2008
    I think I'm going to take the plunge. I've got a week of downtime. I want to cross the barrier separating the linux newbies from the battle-hardened veterans.

    I'm going to install Gentoo.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I'm going to install Gentoo.
    Props! My only advice in the matter would be to install it on the fastest, multi-core-y-est machine you have. I remember that process taking quite a long time on my old Athlon 1800XP.
  • Yeah. My desktop is a dual core AMD Athlon 64 FX-60. It was one of the last 939 slot models, but it still runs very nicely.
  • edited September 2008
    Your goal is to get me, the Apple Fan Boy of the FRCF, to make me think it's worth while for me to keep it on my limited Mac Book hard drive.
    No one cares what OS you use.
    I don't think many people here care to convince you as well as care what OS you use. Many people have stated the pros and cons of the different OSs out there. If you are happy with Apple, stick with them. However, I do recall that you said you were planning on going to RIT. I don't know what you plan to major in, but it might be beneficial for you to at least know the basics of Linux.
    ~ don't be a dick.
    I hate to point out out the irony in this comment, but overall in the history of this forum, you came out to be more of a dick than others.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I hate to point out out the irony in this comment, but overall in the history of this forum, you came out to be more of a dick than others.
    D: I still have not caught up to him? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better? ;-;
  • You're a much more developed and refined dick than he is.
  • Oh, you're not a dick, but an asshole,
    D: Damnit, so close, so freaking close! But I can see it, it's only inches away!
  • I try not to be, sorry.
  • I try not to be, sorry.
    Yeah, it really shows.
  • edited September 2008
    Well, I've installed it...

    It boots great.

    I can't get dhcp to work. This is a problem..
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Well, I've installed it...

    It boots great.

    I can't get dhcp to work. This is a problem..
    I haven't used it in so long, so I can't help much. Check for the configurations in somewhere like /etc/conf.d/network or something like that.
  • And, of course, I used the wrong driver. After 4 hours in #gentoo, we figured it out. Now everything's working! I might even get to use a window manager! This is big stuff. And, I really learned a lot compiling my kernel 3 times.
  • And, of course, I used the wrong driver. After 4 hours in #gentoo, we figured it out. Now everything's working! I might even get to use a window manager! This is big stuff. And, I really learned a lot compiling my kernel 3 times.
    Try using XFCE as your window manager. It takes less time to compile than Gnome or KDE and is simpler for learning.
  • Hmm. I was planning on using Windows manager / Icewm, as it was recommended to me. X is compiling, so that's taking a while...
  • Hmm. I was planning on usingWindows manager/Icewm, as it was recommended to me. X is compiling, so that's taking a while...
    Icewm is really really simple. Really, you will feel like you are using an ancient computer if you use that. Of course, you can always install multiple window managers and then use your display manager to choose which one to use when you login. Or you can go without a display manager and do the old school startx.
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