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GeekNights 20110208 - The PAX Boston 2011 Pregame Show



  • If you really, really need to bring your car, park out at Braintree station and take the red line to Park Street, then change to the Green Line and take that to Prudential or Hynes/ICA.
    Braintree! lol
    Yay Neopets references! >_<''</p>
    That takes me waaaaay back.
  • I didn't know that was Neopets. It was just the first result on a Google Image search that was lol.

    Neopets is run by evil Scientology IIRC.
  • Neopets is run by evil Scientology IIRC.
    They weren't originally, and then some Scientologist investor bought it, but it's currently owned by Viacom, so it's all (relatively) good.
  • I don't care what it actually is, that image is full of hilarious win
  • I didn't know that was Neopets. It was just the first result on a Google Image search that was lol.

    Neopets is run by evil Scientology IIRC.
    Yeh, I used to be into Neopets waaaay back in the day, and thinking back, I don't remember anything whatsoever that suggests anything Scientology.
  • Yeh, I used to be into Neopets waaaay back in the day, and thinking back, I don't remember anything whatsoever that suggests anything Scientology.
    Me too - It wasn't really pushing any Scientology stuff, it was more like watching a Tom Cruise movie - Everything is totally normal, but your money (or ad revenue) is going to go to the CoS eventually. Again, Viacom owns them now, so there's really nothing to worry about anymore.
  • Thanks for the advice guys! I'm very glad I asked. I'll be coming in from 90 so as cool sounding as Braintree is, it looks out of the way for me. I found some other ways in via the T website with even free parking, but will my car be safe there? I've never traveled the T before and have only been to Boston twice, maybe. This is very new to me =P
    Try Alewife station, then. It's basically the other end of the red line, should be easy to get to from the Turnpike. Cambrigeside Galleria has overnight parking, but that's $20 a month, and a pain in the ass to get to from pretty much any reasonable place in the city. There's a Taco Bell in the mall, though, I guess.

    You're pretty much not going to park in Boston proper. Everything's either too expensive, or non-existent. You're pretty much exclusively going to be parking in the burbs and taking the T in. It's not a case of "It's easier, but you can park if you try really hard", it's a case of "$200 to park in a shady-ass parking garage for the weekend, minimum". If it's not too late, I seriously suggest taking the bus. Or Amtrack. Or pretty much anything to avoid driving in Boston unless you happen to have a parking pass to a good garage.
  • Thanks for the advice guys! I'm very glad I asked. I'll be coming in from 90 so as cool sounding as Braintree is, it looks out of the way for me. I found some other ways in via the T website with even free parking, but will my car be safe there? I've never traveled the T before and have only been to Boston twice, maybe. This is very new to me =P
    Try Alewife station, then. It's basically the other end of the red line, should be easy to get to from the Turnpike. Cambrigeside Galleria has overnight parking, but that's $20 a month, and a pain in the ass to get to from pretty much any reasonable place in the city. There's a Taco Bell in the mall, though, I guess.

    You're pretty much not going to park in Boston proper. Everything's either too expensive, or non-existent. You're pretty much exclusively going to be parking in the burbs and taking the T in. It's not a case of "It's easier, but you can park if you try really hard", it's a case of "$200 to park in a shady-ass parking garage for the weekend, minimum". If it's not too late, I seriously suggest taking the bus. Or Amtrack. Or pretty much anything to avoid driving in Boston unless you happen to have a parking pass to a good garage.
    Thanks! I actually found that there is free parking at Newtonville Station and I can take the commuter rail in. Looks to be an open parking lot instead of a garage, hence "free". Thoughts?
  • Is this the Newtonville Commuter Rail Station? If so, there isn't actually free parking that isn't tied to one store or another. Most of the parking there is metered. I used to get picked up there because it was the closest place to my house that that train stopped.
  • Looks to be an open parking lot instead of a garage, hence "free".
    There's probably a thing near the platform where you have to put in money for your space. They do it out here in the burbs, I doubt they'd do it for free anywhere else.
  • Is this the Newtonville Commuter Rail Station? If so, there isn't actually free parking that isn't tied to one store or another. Most of the parking there is metered. I used to get picked up there because it was the closest place to my house that that train stopped.
    Then lied to me! I'll probably go to Alewife and pay $8 per night instead of the ridiculous amount at the hotel. Hopefully I can drop off my friends first at the hotel and go back so that only 1 of us has to pay for the T. Thanks for all of your help, guys!
  • Boston has the worst parking of any city I have ever entered.
  • Boston has the worst parking of any city I have ever entered.
    This is why I am taking the train to Boston.
  • edited February 2011
    I really should figure out how to take the T from the airport to the Westin. Since I am arriving at 8 AM on Thursday, it would probably be cheaper to take the T vs paying for a shuttle and I probably can't check in that early for my hotel room.

    I'm not getting more and more into PAX mode. I'm so ready for gaming that I've barely knitted anything this week.

    Also, we bought a huge card box for Dominion and additional games that can fit into it. Just need to get card dividers.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I'm probably going to be parking somewhere near the center (some of the hotels have lots), but only because I'm commuting in and will probably end up staying later than the trains run. I figure I'll still come out a little ahead as it'll be cheaper than a hotel, though.

    As far as taking the T to the Westin, perhaps the Silver Line would do the trick?
  • I really should figure out to take the T from the airport to the Westin.
    Blue line to Government Center, then walk.
  • I really should figure out how to take the T from the airport to the Westin.
    Blue line to Government Center, then walk.
    Sweet thanks for doing all the hard work. ^___~ (m'whahaha my evil plan succeeded!)
  • If I plan on arriving at Alewife Station on Friday morning, any suggestions of how early I should arrive to ensure that I get a parking spot? Also, anyone know if $7/day and $8/overnight means that I will have to pay a total of $15 per 24 hour period? Thanks!
  • Isn't Boston the city that gets many murder trials over parking spots?
  • edited February 2011
    Isn't Boston the city that gets many murder trials over parking spots?
    That's only when someone moves the trash can/beach chair/futon you placed in the parking spot you dug out of 2 feet of snow to park their own car.
    Post edited by Alex Leavitt on
  • That's only when someone moves the trash can/beach chair/futon you placed in the parking spot you dug out of 2 feet of snow.
    Only a captain of douchery would attempt to "reserve" a public parking space in this manner.
  • That's only when someone moves the trash can/beach chair/futon you placed in the parking spot you dug out of 2 feet of snow.
    Only a captain of douchery would attempt to "reserve" a public parking space in this manner.
    It's a law in Massachusetts, bitches (well, it's either Boston or Cambridge that lets you do it for I believe 36 hours).
  • Only a captain of douchery would attempt to "reserve" a public parking space in this manner.
    Well you wanna make sure you only steal a spot from the unarmed and hinged.
  • It's a law in Massachusetts, bitches (well, it's either Boston or Cambridge that lets you do it for I believe 36 hours).
    If that's true, it's crazy. I'm dubious of the existence of said law.
  • It's a law in Massachusetts, bitches (well, it's either Boston or Cambridge that lets you do it for I believe 36 hours).
    If that's true, it's crazy. I'm dubious of the existence of said law.
    Awful citation, but: "Boston actually has an ordinance that makes it legal to save parking spaces during declared snow emergencies up until 48 hours after the snow emergency has ended." -
  • I still doubt the existence of said law. ;^)
  • It's the "dibs" article of the Massachusetts state constitution
  • There's a reason why people call us "Massholes." :)
  • edited February 2011
    I've seen The Departed and The Town. I am prepared for South Boston and the BCEC.

    Edit: Should I go see The Fighter to further my education?
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I've seen The Departed and The Town. I am prepared for South Boston and the BCEC.

    Edit: Should I go see The Fighter to further my education?
    Boondock Saints
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