I'm sure a lot of people here remember Pogs. I think we've talked about them on GeekNights before.
Anyway, some people are planning to let loose the Pogs at PAX West. Genius I say. Does anyone still have any Pogs? I'm especially looking for official Pog brand ones, as opposed to knock-offs.
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Unfortunately I won't be making it to PAX Prime again this year. If you don't have your own anymore, you can just have a tube of mine if you want. I've been in major "get shit out of my house" mode as I try to make more room for a kid.
EDIT: Because this Simpsons episode needs to be referenced
Milhouse: I'm really sorry... I kind of traded your soul to the guy at the comic book store. But look! I got some cool pogs:
[shows them]
Milhouse: Alf pogs! Remember Alf? He's back... in pog form!
Jeremy may have some. I'll ask him.
Had an awesome buzzsaw-shaped pog too.
They ended up being banned as "gambling." Magic was banned in the same manner. Funnily, I was able to openly play hearts for money with my own friends. I have a suspicion that pogs were actually banned because they tended to be played by the disruptive kids, and Magic because it was "occult."