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Need a game for the office



  • It varies depending on the language in which it was released, but if you want to be really super technical, the original French version said it was 2 to 80.

    Don't believe me? Check it out yourself.
    Yeah Scott, it's on the box.
    See, I told them this at Anime Boston. They were adamant that I was reading the ages the game is good for.
    At PAX East he insisted one of the games I won didn't count cause there were 7 people. :P
  • Goldeneye: Source is good with 4-8 people on smaller maps.
  • None of these games that nubs can play. Need something more like Tetris that everyone can play.
  • edited September 2011 Supports up to 6 players at once. I don't think you need an account, just the link.

    Edit; Arena is the one you want, the rest are all against ghosts/random people only.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • TF2 has some maps that work well with 3v3. But, TF2 aside...

    Your best bet might be a Gamecube and Wario Ware. Mini tournaments.

    Barring that, Rock of Ages. It's simple and quick to do a match, but only two players at a time. Outlaw works if two-player mini-matches are an option.
  • What about something like Worms, or Soldat?

    Also if you want to go first person, wasn't there that FPS built off of the Minecraft engine?
  • edited September 2011
    Can we get scorched earth to run well on modern Macs and PCs with LAN play?
    Post edited by Apreche on
    Can we get scorched earth to run well on modern Macs and PCs with LAN play?
    No LAN play. But it's otherwise the perfect game.
  • Terraria is pretty easy to get into and can be a good casual game as well, and I think it runs on Macs and PCs alike. It's also good for any number of people, and can be co-op or versus as necessary.

    Or what about something simple like one of those Scrabble clones out there on the interwebs?
  • It's sad that Geometry Wars 2 never made it to the PC, the first one is single player only.
  • I think it runs on Macs and PCs alike.
    It "works" on Mac, but without easy online; which shouldn't be a problem if they're LANing it up.
  • edited September 2011

    - Incredibly easy to "get".
    - Very high skill cap.
    - The best networking code in history.
    - Works on everything.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • a1sa1s
    edited September 2011
    No LAN play. But it's otherwise the perfect game.
    Scorched Earth 3D. I have not played this yet, but i has Mac support (and PC , duh. Also Linux), as well as LAN-paly (Online actually, but I think you can host a server on your LAN so that's the same thing.)
    Post edited by a1s on
  • erraria is pretty easy to get into and can be a good casual game as well, and I think it runs on Macs and PCs alike
    It is made in XNA so I have doubts it will run on macs.
  • erraria is pretty easy to get into and can be a good casual game as well, and I think it runs on Macs and PCs alike
    It is made in XNA so I have doubts it will run on macs.
    My firsthand experience confirms that it most certainly will not.
  • Scott was adamant that I was reading the ages the game is good for.
    That is some revisionist history, Rym. You BOTH were in agreement that I had read the ages, not the number of players. I remember the conversation well. You and Scott were trying to figure out if we (you) had any games that the whole assembled group could play. I said "Jungle Speed", Scott said "I'm pretty sure that's only four players", I said "It says on the box 2-15...", then you said "Are you sure that wasn't the ages the game is good for?"

    I couldn't prove you wrong because I only had the bag, not the box.

    (Interesting note: I'm reasonably certain the box says 2-15 players, the Official English Rules only specify 8. Still more than Scott was insisting, though)
  • edited September 2011
    Scorched Earth 3d! It's a little more then scorched earth, but It's a lot of fun and runs on anything.
    Post edited by Cramit on
  • Scott was adamant that I was reading the ages the game is good for.
    That is some revisionist history, Rym. You BOTH were in agreement that I had read the ages, not the number of players. I remember the conversation well. You and Scott were trying to figure out if we (you) had any games that the whole assembled group could play. I said "Jungle Speed", Scott said "I'm pretty sure that's only four players", I said "It says on the box 2-15...", then you said "Are you sure that wasn't the ages the game is good for?"

    I couldn't prove you wrong because I only had the bag, not the box.

    (Interesting note: I'm reasonably certain the box says 2-15 players, the Official English Rules only specify 8. Still more than Scott was insisting, though)
    The original printing with the wooden totem says 6 players. The newest box published by Asmodee has 2-10 on the cover. This game has been through so many damn revisions it's hard to keep track.

  • Scorched Earth 3D. I have not played this yet
    I now have played it, and yes, you can run LAN games with it. Also be warned that it is in 3D, which is to say it now played on a surface and not on a line like regular SE was. This takes a tiny bit of getting used to, but actually adds to the fun.
  • Oh, I was dubious of your reading, but I also did not balk at playing with a big group. Scott protests that specific point unduly.
  • One of those "snake/tron" type games where you can have a bajillion players all playing at once. Can't remember the name of the one we used to play, but it used left/right + fire. Obviously you are trying to make people crash into a wall or your tail but pressing fire made a one shot block appear a little bit ahead of your snake as an added bit of fun.

    I played a ton of these types on games on the amiga, everything from basic multi snake right up to versions that had multiple weapons/teleports/upgrades.
    Achtung Die Kurve may be a viable option for that. There's also the complex metagame of "how the fuck do you crowd 6 people around a computer". Give it a try, and understand that the game gets exponentially more fun with every player.

    Also, Defcon has an office mode (a feature I wish more games would implement). Unfortunately, it costs money.
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