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Wii Fit and other Nintendo E3 Announcements

edited July 2007 in Video Games

This was announced at E3 today. Thoughts anyone?

Personally, I think this is a great concept. I am still a bit skeptical but I guess we will have to wait and see.


  • I think its a good idea, I'm looking forward to trying it out.
  • edited July 2007
    WiiFit is a nongame for soccer moms and old people.
    Post edited by Railith on
  • edited July 2007
    The fact that this shit was their finale is astounding. "Yeah Smash Brothers in December, Galaxy in November, look Metroid and Zelda, but fuck all that! We've got WII FIT!"

    Nintendo gets a big Eff Minus at this years E3, god damn. Worst conference ever. Reggie sounded like such a fake robot, and 50% of the show was a fucking batch of commercials for Nintendo. Yawn. Sony impressed, Microsoft too, but Nintendo makes me sad to own a Wii.

    The man himself, Miyamoto, who brought us such legendary games and consoles now presents a fucking exercise pad. Nice.
    Post edited by MitchyD on
  • I've seen the Nintendo and Microsoft press conferences, and I found it interesting how different they were.

    Microsoft focused a lot on all the games that were coming out this year, especially the exclusives. But Nintendo really didn't talk about their games all that much, and only showed a few games really.

    To me it seems like Nintendo's press conference wasn't about games, it was about their new philosophy about bringing more people into gaming, and showing that so far its working. That's why the finale was Wii Fit, because thats the "game" that the big media outlets, like CNN and whatnot will be talking about. They aren't going to talk about Mario or Metroid, they want talk about how different the Wii is, and how its doing things you don't expect a console to do. This press conference wasn't for the hardcore gamers, since Nintendo knew that those fans will be looking at all the trailers and gameplay footage that gets released over E3, so they didn't need to show it during the conference.
  • I think Nintendo is getting cocky. They mentioned numbers, and the colossal unit sales etc. so I think they assume (almost correctly) they've got us all by the balls... No matter how shitty or how well they do, we're all going to buy their products anyways, so why not shill the company and try and make us buy more?

    Microsoft's showing was the best by far. Sony didn't do bad - if they weren't called Sony they'd have done just fine. This year they just failed to totally fuck up, so they got off alright.
  • As far as I'm concerned, there are only three gaming news items that I care about.

    1) The Wii will stop sucking by 2008
    2) OMG Rhythm Games ftw!
    3) Golden Sun DS!
  • Microsoft mentioned numbers too in there presentation too, just as much as Nintendo did, but theirs weren't as impressive (although they did selectively pick certain things in the data to mention to make it seem impressive, which is obviously what you do.)
  • 3) Golden Sun DS!
    I saw that, but just is passing. Is it going to be a sequel or a compilation?
  • 3) Golden Sun DS!
    I saw that, but just is passing. Is it going to be a sequel or a compilation?
    I had not even considered the possibility of it not being a sequel. I have no need for a compilation, I have the original GBA games.
  • I had not even considered the possibility of it not being a sequel. I have no need for a compilation, I have the original GBA games.
    I couldn't find any sort of official announcement about this. The only thing I found were two pictures that may or may not have been faked. I'll hold my judgment until an official announcement is made confirming this claim.
  • I had not even considered the possibility of it not being a sequel. I have no need for a compilation, I have the original GBA games.
    I couldn't find any sort of official announcement about this. The only thing I found were two pictures that may or may not have been faked. I'll hold my judgment until an official announcement is made confirming this claim.
    Yeah, but those pictures looked real to me.
  • Yeah, but those pictures looked real to me.
    The bottom screen is official art from The Lost Age. Also, the DS isn't even locked down, it just seems dubious to me.
  • The bottom screen is official art from The Lost Age. Also, the DS isn't even locked down, it just seems dubious to me.
    Hmmmz. Either way, Golden Sun DS needs to happen.
  • edited July 2007
    Can a mod please change the name of this thread to "Golden Sun DS". Thanks,

    Edit:// That works too.
    Post edited by cosmicenema on
  • Wait wait wait... Golden Sun DS IS happening? That would be the BOMB
  • Apreche, what games are you looking forward to in 2008 that will make the Wii ''stop sucking?''
  • Apreche, what games are you looking forward to in 2008 that will make the Wii ''stop sucking?''
    Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, The Rhythm games, Mario Kart Wii, whatever they're using that zapper for, and of course the original content they will let us buy and download in the Wii shop.
  • Honestly, I've got no interest in any of the Wii Zapper games... I don't care if games are built around it or not, I still say getting an FPS right on the Wii is just about impossible. Regardless, if I want to play an FPS, I'll play it on my 360/PS3/PC.
  • Of the 3 consoles the Wii is my least favorite. I think the #1 reason why the Wii is doing so well is price and the #2 reason is the bandwagon effect.
  • Agreed. I don't regret buying one at all but I really wish I had a reason to play it. Now even more so, I just got my Wii back from repairs, and ALL of my save data is GONE.

    Bye bye Zelda, bye bye Paper Mario...
  • Agreed. I don't regret buying one at all but I really wish I had a reason to play it. Now even more so, I just got my Wii back from repairs, and ALL of my save data is GONE.

    Bye bye Zelda, bye bye Paper Mario...
    Why didn't you back it up to an SD card?
  • Well the Wii had no problems until it was too late. I never expected to have a problem with it, so I thought I would be safe just leaving it there. I learned.

    I knew someone was going to make that post. ;) Back up your shit, kids.
  • Who saves to removable memory device? That's so last gen.
  • edited July 2007
    I watch the hole Nintendo Press conference on gamespot and it was the worst press conference I have even seen at E3. Could they have done backing on the backs about how great the Wii was selling. Their was like five different montages about it. The new light gun was the best part about the hole show. Their was no demo of Smash Bros. and any other Wii game outside of Wii fit. Which I didn't care for. I think they did another demo for a DS game.

    The only good part about watching it live was the funny comments people were putting in the chat rooms.
    Post edited by N15PCA on
  • On account of I don't pay for Gamespot, I couldn't see the chatrooms. Aw, nuts. ;)
  • edited July 2007
    PS3 60 gig goes out to pasture

    Wait. Does this mean the version they just price dropped is being removed from the market?! Well that's a good reason to lower the price! So we are back to the original prices for the versions they are going to keep selling? Awesome!
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • PS3 60 gig goes out to pasture

    Wait. Does this mean the version they just price dropped is being removed from the market?! Well that's a good reason to lower the price! So we are back to the original prices for the versions they are going to keep selling? Awesome!
    We really couldn't see this coming? The price drop wasn't going to last. They're doing the same thing with the new $500 model they did with the original.
  • No way. They'll keep 2 SKU's. The fact that they're both GOOD is reason enough, they just need it to be less than 500. If they bundled a game with it it'd be a better deal than the 360 was... But man, Sony needs to get their shit together.
  • To go along with the Wii E3 Item Announcements:
    Nyko Wii Party Station
    It's a 4 seated charger for Wii Remotes with a fan, 4 LED digit counter (for keeping all those wins/losses straight), 4 cup holders, chip bowl and a small fan. Best off only $25. Unfortunately they haven't released it yet. Only the 2 Wii Remote charger is available (which I might add is $30). The article is listed over at
  • Sadly, the Golden Sun DS thing was bullshit.

    I just died a little, right in my heart.
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