The trouble with most podcasts.
Rym’s new foray into podcast listening and his immediate dismay speaks volumes about the state of podcasting today. It’s funny that Rym has so little experience with listening to these shows being ½ half of the mastermind team behind GN. I think we all agree that GN is one of the best shows on the internet today. The qualities that make it great show up as obvious holes in other shows that don’t have it together. I’ve told Rym and Scott that I wouldn’t mind starting a podcast to rate shows (Voxmonitor does this) but also to offer constructive criticism.
Many shows miss the basics: sound quality, editing (long pauses, coughing and other body noises) and lack of energy. Some shows are fundamentally flawed, that is, the hosts want to be funny, but aren’t. Some pocasters don’t do their homework on topics and come across as ignorant. Others fill their shows with boring minutia.
In short, there is a lot of crap out there. But there is also a ton of good stuff, so much so that I can’t even listen to it all in any given week. If I had time, I’d love to help separate the good from the bad. Maybe in January…
To me, podcasts are like books, TV and movies. There is an awful lot of dreck out there, but there are some outstanding ones as well. Finding them is half the fun - and half the frustration.
It sure would help to have our own podcast version of Ebert & Roeper though.
My other favourite is Anime World Order. They are fantastic, but their audio quality is shit. Skype will do that, I guess. The thing is, even when they say it will be crap because they are all tired/half asleep/etc, the show still ends up brilliant.
Why isn't 'Anime' in the spell checker?!
Other podcasts like Nerd Blurb (they mumble into the microphone, and one of the hosts made a racist statement near the end of the program), DS Cubed (the podcast went nowhere), Portable Game Revolution (his podcasts are only about 15-20 minutes and the waiting period could be as long as a month), RadiOPM (listening to some of the recent pocasts, even they struggle to avoid negative comments about Sony's next-gen decisions in the gaming industry) and EGM Live (whose podcast like thier magazine is easily outmatched by Gamespot).
Next month I'll search for new podcasts in new criterias, but so far only three are worthwhile as far as content, audio and knowledge of the subject matter.
Could this be the ticket to solving the problem of mostly crap podcasts?