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Choose your own adventure... er Webcomic

edited April 2008 in Everything Else
CtrlAltDel is doing something interesting. The are starting a (what I think is short) story called "Idiots in Space". The hook is that it is being done in sort of a "choose your own adventure" kinda style. For the last two fridays he's done a email vote to decided which of two paths Ethan will do. Then, as of each Monday, he contines the next 5 strps that result in that decision. Story starts over at


  • Plork snooog rimmick floop! (* Subscribing to the feed for this *)
  • This particular CAD storyline is teh awesome. I generally enjoy the webcomic anyway but this storyline is highly entertaining and with the voting bit added in I'm more invested in what's going on rather than just reading it.

    Good times.
  • This is quite good. I'll definitely give this a read.
  • They are most likely going to die in the next page, though, considering the choices.
  • edited April 2008
    I really dislike CAD and the creator. < /off topic>
    Post edited by Norvu on
  • I really dislike CAD and the creator.< /off topic>
    Then go away, cause no one here cares. :p
  • edited April 2008
    I really dislike CAD and the creator.
    As do I, but I have to admit I'm enjoying this storyline, and the voting on what happens next thing hasn't seen much serious application in webcomics. Honestly, I'd read his strip regularly if he decided to stick with this setting and format indefinitely.
    Post edited by J.Sharp on
  • I really dislike CAD and the creator.< /off topic>
  • I really dislike CAD and the creator.
    As do I, but I have to admit I'm enjoying this storyline, and the voting on what happens next thing hasn't seen much serious application in webcomics. Honestly, I'd read his strip regularly if he decided to stick with this setting and format indefinitely.
  • edited April 2008
    and.... spoiler:
    end . It makes me a little sad to see it come to an end. But the incredible short, not to mention painful, way it ends brings me back to the days of keeping my fingers in 5 spots to take that left instead of a right. I'm also glad that he decided to stick to his guns and not cheat and make it a "happy" ending. His blog post about it at the ctrlaltdel blog. Unfortunately doesn't look like he is going to be doing this again for a while, although he does appear to have really liked the results., so will be doing a few more in the future.

    On a side note, are there any comics that do this in a regular basis? I guess it would require more planing as you would have to plan out a couple different arcs, or at least until the next "decision".
    Post edited by Tasel on
  • I agree with Tasel, fun stuff.
  • I really dislike CAD and the creator.< /off topic>
    Just curious, but why do some people have such animosity for CAD and its creator?
  • On a side note, are there any comics that do this in a regular basis? I guess it would require more planing as you would have to plan out a couple different arcs, or at least until the next "decision". has something similar. Once in a while they take suggestions and draw a comic based on that. Only forum members can make suggestions though. Also, you have to like this kind of humor.

  • Just curious, but why do some people have such animosity for CAD and its creator?
    I think this guy address all of the problems I have with it, and then some.
  • I thinkthis guyaddress all of the problems I have with it, and then some.
    Wow, another envious poo-flinging blog. How totally unsurprising.
  • I thinkthis guyaddress all of the problems I have with it, and then some.
    Wow, another envious poo-flinging blog. How totally unsurprising.
    I just read that blog for a few minutes. His writing is really long and drawn out. He also mostly spends his time insulting the creators rather than actually pointing out what is bad with the comic. However, I agree with him. The comics he says are bad are truly bad.
  • I didn't say that completely adore Ctrl+alt+del. I find it O.K. and I got it in my RSS. That's about it. And yes, recently the quality has been going down (or my sense of humor changed). However I don't find it terrible or have any bad gripes about it.

    However, I find the article and blog that Sharp linked to completely useless and stupid. I think that counting up the things you hate and why you hate them is equal to wasting your life. Not in the way as people say that video games are a wasting your life. No, at least you are doing something that you like. Here on the other hand, the author is occupying himself with something he hates. And then there is this pretension to being mature or cool by using an expletive in every other sentence as if he wasn't smearing shit over somebody else's creation already.

    And yes, I am well aware of the irony in this post.
  • I thinkthis guyaddress all of the problems I have with it, and then some.
    Wow, another envious poo-flinging blog. How totally unsurprising.
    I just read that blog for a few minutes. His writing is really long and drawn out. He also mostly spends his time insulting the creators rather than actually pointing out what is bad with the comic. However, I agree with him. The comics he says are bad are truly bad.
    Also, in between insulting the creators, he does make some really good points.
  • ......
    edited April 2008
    As for me disliking CAD. I just don't really like the jokes. Sure, I can see why they might be funny, but I just don't find them funny. Some jokes are too forced if you ask me, others are too lame, and others are decent, but just don't manage to put a smile on my face. Note that some of the comics do make me smile, as with the last panel of the last page, I grinned widely.

    I mean, come on. "BRAAAAAAAAAANNNGGG!!!!" Talk about unexpected!
    Post edited by ... on
  • The "Your Webcomic Is Bad And You Should Feel Bad" guy is always right on the money.
  • I like Tim Buckley. He's a cool guy and pretty awesome when I met him. His webcomic is going down the shitter more each week to the point I stopped reading completely. The guy is okay but the thing he does sucks.

    And that blog is awesome BTW.
  • Eh. It's a cheap ripoff of the old, better Screw These Comics with a broader focus.
  • CAD is the Garfield of webcomics.
  • CAD is the Garfield of webcomics.
    It's becoming that way.

    1. *stupid shit happens*
    2. "God dammit Ethan"
    3. rinse
    4. repeat

    I haven't been reading CAD since they diverged from the main storylines and got into this idiots in space crap.
  • I stand by the theory that the choose your own adventure plot happened because Buckley needed time to figure out how to deal with a storyline with actual consequences for his characters.
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