I thought this might be a bit fun. One can put up a pic of comic page they drew and everyone tries to add in a funny caption or dialogue. Yeah...if this is lame delete it. :P
1. The town's pretty dead today, reminds me of I Am Legend... 2. It's funny and kinda scary to imagine what would happen if the Japanese got to that movie. 3. Tentacles...
Gah! Guys, the third speech bubble isn't said by the guy in the panel. Is an off-panel text bubble. And I still can't think of something fitting.
It needs a little arrow going left.
Possibly, but that depends on the artist. I've seen off panel text bubbles represented like this, without origin indication, an inward pointed dent in the bubble, origins being off panel, and little (chibi) faces of the person saying it to name a few. In the case of this comic by Viga we can clearly see a little origin attached to the speech bubble in the first two panels, pointing towards the only character on stage. However, in the third panel there is no origin, when there still is the first character on stage. And seeing as there are only two characters introduced thus far in the comic we can safely assume it's the tentacle arm girl saying that. Perhaps even from behind him, but that would require movement lines in the last panel for the guy to be sure. </rant>
Oh see, I was reading the panels left to right, so the tentacle girl panel is actually the final panel in my estimation.
This shows you that making comics is very hard. This is why people like Tezuka and Eisner were so amazing.
/me blinks. I too read it left to right. What made you think otherwise? I mean, there's little use for the use of a text bubble without origin when the characters are already known. Also noting the surprise exclamation mark in that panel as being later.
/me blinks. I too read it left to right. What made you think otherwise? I mean, there's little use for the use of a text bubble without origin when the characters are already known. Also noting the surprise exclamation mark in that panel as being later.
If you read it left to right, the tentacle girl is the final panel. Thus, when the disconnected speech bubble happens, you do not know there are two characters yet.
/me blinks. I too read it left to right. What made you think otherwise? I mean, there's little use for the use of a text bubble without origin when the characters are already known. Also noting the surprise exclamation mark in that panel as being later.
If you read it left to right, the tentacle girl is the final panel. Thus, when the disconnected speech bubble happens, you do not know there are two characters yet.
Which means it's an introductory speech bubble. Suddenly a second character speaks, next panel we get to see the character who said it. This is used in all sorts of entertainment media.
Gah! Guys, the third speech bubble isn't said by the guy in the panel. Is an off-panel text bubble. And I still can't think of something fitting.
It needs a little arrow going left.
Possibly, but that depends on the artist. I've seen off panel text bubbles represented like this, without origin indication, an inward pointed dent in the bubble, origins being off panel, and little (chibi) faces of the person saying it to name a few. In the case of this comic by Viga we can clearly see a little origin attached to the speech bubble in the first two panels, pointing towards the only character on stage. However, in the third panel there is no origin, when there still is the first character on stage. And seeing as there are only two characters introduced thus far in the comic we can safely assume it's the tentacle arm girl saying that. Perhaps even from behind him, but that would require movement lines in the last panel for the guy to be sure.
Yeah, the last bubble is the tentacle elf girl. This page was done randomly wit no story attached. It's the product of me practicing layouts. Then I though of this thread! :P
Everyone has their super analyze powers on today. ^_^ (takes in feedback to become awesome!)
1: What should I have for lunch? 2: I think I'll have some yummy Calamari. 3: Oh no, it's the Squid Protection League!
1: Man, I like 4chan. 2: I should go check out /c/ 3: Oh shit, that was /d/!
Fuck double lulz!
1. I never thought I'd meet the right person for me 2. But I think she could be the one... 3. Well... that's new...
Yeah, the last bubble is the tentacle elf girl. This page was done randomly wit no story attached. It's the product of me practicing layouts. Then I though of this thread! :P
If this is for layout practice, then I hope you won't mind some constructive criticism. "Stacking" the panels on the left side like that (panels 2 and 3) can be confusing, because you don't always know whether you're supposed to read the panel below first, or the one to the right. Unless there's a very strong visual flow down into the panel below, it's generally safer to only stack panels on the right. I feel like it's not confusing on this one, because it's so small that your eye kinda takes it all in at once. But on a full page, it's something to watch out for.
1. Legend of the Over Fiend is a sick movie that is a clear example of disenfranchised Japaneses men getting of to female subjugation via rape. 2. Japanese women should stand up against sick stuff like that. 3. FEMALE ANIME EQUALITY LEAGUE! GO TENTACLES!
PBF: The general trend among mankind as a whole towards violence rather than diplomacy, resulting in tenuous alliances that could erupt into war at the drop of a hat.
2: Why am I talking to myself out loud, I'm not crazy!
3: Oh, shit. I am crazy.
2. What am I saying? Of course there isn't!
3. Oh no I was wrooong!
(laaame for me)
2. It's funny and kinda scary to imagine what would happen if the Japanese got to that movie.
3. Tentacles...
2: I think I'll have some yummy Calamari.
3: Oh no, it's the Squid Protection League!
2: I should go check out /c/
3: Oh shit, that was /d/!
2. But I think she could be the one...
3. Well... that's new...
This shows you that making comics is very hard. This is why people like Tezuka and Eisner were so amazing.
Everyone has their super analyze powers on today. ^_^ (takes in feedback to become awesome!) Lulz! Fuck double lulz! Lovely lulz!
1: Guy: "Man, nothing interesting ever happens in this town." *sigh*
2: Guy: "..." *walking away* "Ehehehe..."
3: Girl: "BAKA! Don't run away, I want to rape you!"
1. Legend of the Over Fiend is a sick movie that is a clear example of disenfranchised Japaneses men getting of to female subjugation via rape.
2. Japanese women should stand up against sick stuff like that.
For the PBF:
Barack Obama
Prostate Exams
baby blue shirts
Being Spanked
The general trend among mankind as a whole towards violence rather than diplomacy, resulting in tenuous alliances that could erupt into war at the drop of a hat.