This was the formation on the @Colts 4th-down play.
Eggs of Ostrich (new to me) - The first Japanese game I picked up at the BoardGameGeek store last week, this is a perfectly good filler that you can only play with three players. It gets bonus points
Anyway, I definitely recommend the series. Not sure how it will fit into the MCU but I guess there will be some stuff taken from it. Favorite issue was #10 in which J. Jonah Jameson wants to hire her
These people felt that was a big swing, and hard to achieve with skill, so people would wind up getting lucky and earn double stars a few times, then run away with the game. I felt the opposite, that
Carolina went from #10 to #2. Arizona went from #12 to #6. It was New Orleans that made the biggest jump from #32 to #4. That can be attributed to the hiring of Rob Ryan as Defensive Coordinator along
Una figura de Doge hecha con impresora 3D.
"@MAGFest 12 Challenge #10: Destroy an Albatross, shoot Hitler in the face and escape without getting hit. 8-bit graphic head s'plode!
I declare this list bullshit. Not just in how poorly it weighs freedoms, but apparently MA is #10 in alcohol freedom. We have some of the stupidest and inconsistent booze laws there are -- so much so
The Walking Dead got really good again. Heard a lot of buzz around issue #100 but wasn't sure it'd live up to the hype. The latest trade came out spanning 100, and it's quite good!
I came here to chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum.
I came here to chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum.
I came here to chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum.
I came here to chew bubble gum...and I'm all out of gum.
Mistake #10: Too much focus on past, irrelevant job descriptions
Oh, I thought he was referring to the answer to #10, but yes it IS the best title. I was originally going to make it the lyric from the Mandy Moore song, "I'm Missing You Like Candy-ayayay",
I know all these except #10! WTF is that shit? It's taffy, but it has some fucked up filling?
#10 most wouldn't associate it as a war movie. Quite possibly one the scariest monsters I've seen on cinema.
Fianlly made it on with some help. Looks pretty cool, feel free to hit me up.