That was a total fail at my end, now feeling a bit cocky :S sorry all.
Going with Pokemon White because it has more pogeymans on my VGC 2011 team Zekrom is awesome.
Anyone still denying PP's superiority?
The newest episode is the 100th episode and I must say, this is probably the funniest AVGN in a looooong time. When he imitates R.O.B., I just about died.
I still contend that men are ugly blocky hairy things, and women are pleasing to the eye.
Friday is Protomen, Metroid Metal, Anamanaguchi, and Frontalot. Saturday is VGO, Paul and Storm, and JoCo
If you tell me tomorrow to make something in F#, Clojure, Erlang, or Scala, I could do it.
I'm a bit scared to even add in my pony talk since you guys covered it all.
Best be prepared to deal with this at PAX!
It's hard to say. Empowered is always a favorite - Despite that she gets defeated and humiliated quite a lot, and she is essentially one of maybe three or four actually good heroes in a universe full…
I have the correct pink salt. Tomorrow, I procure 5 pounds of pork belly. Then the curing begins.
Your idea is poor for reasons too numerous to enumerate while I still have time to do worthwhile and exciting things with my life.
One of the funniest episodes so far, in my opinion- especially Scootaloo and Applebloom arguing, the Three Stooges carpentry routine, and Rarity being speechless at the end of the episode.
Scott, you occasionally often have these moments that cause me to go HWAAAAT!?
Your idea is poor for reasons too numerous to enumerate while I still have time to do worthwhile and exciting things with my life.
I really should figure out how to take the T from the airport to the Westin.
Scott's in love with the Big Mac.
They need to stop calling Libya a protest. It's a full on civil war now.
Joe, please stop trying to put words in my mouth. I can still type for myself.