I worked out the answer to #11 with a couple of guesses and some math and didn't even write a program, but I haven't got a proof of correctness as yet so it may yet be the case that my answer is not c
I worked out the answer to #11 with a couple of guesses and some math and didn't even write a program, but I haven't got a proof of correctness as yet so it may yet be the case that my answer is not c
I worked out the answer to #11 with a couple of guesses and some math and didn't even write a program, but I haven't got a proof of correctness as yet so it may yet be the case that my answer is not c
I have joined Overwatch, GeorgePatchs#1188
Broke down and bought it. SuperPichu#11689
rehashing for anyone who missed it, I'm Churba#11364
Raithnor#1122 feel free to add me.
Rosaka#11999 So easy to remember. I heal you. Let me heal you.
Ah. Evidently I'm VictorFrost#11151.
Churba#11364, join me for shootan doods.
/>251 0.51% Jan/31/15 7:48 AM /audio/SFBRP #114 - Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn #1 - The Final Empire.mp3<br />251 0.40% Jan/31/15 7:44 AM /audio/SFBRP #120 - Joe Abercrombie - The Blade Itse
Another awesome shirt hnnnghh y i have no monies???
Another awesome shirt hnnnghh y i have no monies???
Mistake #11: Too much personal information