So even if your buildings have no workers, and didn't produce anything, you can still chain any spare goods into them? Does that include goods from other buildings? Can I chain all my cows into leath…
/>364 0.28% Feb/ 1/15 12:58 AM /audio/SFBRP #227 - Rudy Rucker - Software and Wetware.mp3<br />361 1.44% Jan/31/15 7:04 PM /audio/SFBRP #180 - Philip K Dick - The Man in the High Castle.mp3&
he only had to look up one of the names with is #22. He also got the bonus trivia correct.
I will also say that if anyone thinks #22 is AC/DC, it will bring many lols from my heart.
It is possible to hackANYTHING!
It is possible to hackANYTHING!
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Ha ha! #22 alone might be enough. (Listen to tonight's show to hear that tale of woe and misery.) ^_~