I've been having a problem recently with my audio drivers, as I explained in this HP support forum.
http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-Audio-Video-Monitors/My-Realtek-drivers-glitch-out-every-week/td-p/5268401I have a Realtek card with the HD Audio Driver, and it glitches out constantly, forcing me to reinstall it on a weekly basis. What I found interesting was that the person who responded to me suggested that I install some other audio drivers.
Is that even possible? Wouldn't I need hardware from another sound card manufacturer in order for that to work? That seems like a strange suggestion to me...
I know the Asus Xonar series has 2 community made drivers that work fine and make the audio in work very well.
(It's just like a Raspberry PI you can write any software for hardware and make it work).
I disabled the shitty sound capabilities of my motherboard.
I'll go shopping for one tomorrow. Thanks, Rym!
EDIT: Never mind. I figured out where I screwed up.
It works now. Yay!
Can anyone recommend a sound card that probably WON'T break after a few months? This is driving me nuts.
I don't have any speakers connected or use them any more and only use headphones so I've been using the Asus Essence STX series. It requires its own power source to charge the headphone amplifier on the card.
This card would be useless for someone who wants USB or can't make room for an extra card or doesn't have headpones which benefits from a high signal to noise ratio.
Asus has a few external cards which provide good sound too. Haven't tried anything else that I can recommend.
I don't think my rig is powerful enough for 7.1, so I'm not reaching for the stars here.
I'm thinking maybe a budget of $50 (the X-Fi cost me about $30). Is that reasonable enough, or should I aim higher?
It's one of those things where the more you pay the better off you are and then you get to stupid prices where every extra dollar is not giving you a worthwhile improvement in durability or sound quality (if any).
Thank god! I was starting to freak out.
Warning to anyone who uses AMD: Beware the Raptr app. If you receive an offer for that update (it might come around whenever you receive a prompt to upgrade your Radeon graphics or whatever [which happened to me last week]), decline that shit!