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GeekNights 061019 - Burden of Proof



  • It's Rym and Scott with a tiny bit of restraint.
    Shouldn't this be in the Why People think Rym and Scott are gay thread?
  • Isn't every thread the "Why People Think Rym and Scott are Gay" thread? Or was I misled when I was told that October is "Cast Aspersions on Rym and Scott's Sexual Identity Month", as part of Queer Scrym Year?
  • I meant to say, "I thought Rym was the straight man and Scott was the comic relief."
  • Low Wisdom. ^_^
  • edited October 2006
    Isn't every thread the "Why People Think Rym and Scott are Gay" thread? Or was I misled when I was told that October is "Cast Aspersions on Rym and Scott's Sexual Identity Month", as part of Queer Scrym Year
    I believe this is their theme for Season 2.

    Wouldn't it be great if they took a bunch of statements they made throughout the year that could have been taken out of context horribly and made a opener about it.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a few unedited shows with more arguments. I for one busted out laughing when Rym kept torturing Scott on his "ya know" speech impediment. I was hanging out at a suburban mall when it happened and people walking by were wondering what the heck the guy with the PSP was laughing about.
  • Isn't every thread the "Why People Think Rym and Scott are Gay" thread? Or was I misled when I was told that October is "Cast Aspersions on Rym and Scott's Sexual Identity Month", as part of Queer Scrym Year?
    The show should be called "Queer Eye for the Geek Guys."
  • Working link for "skating under cars" video:

    YouTube deleted it becuase..... whatever.
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