I've seen zero, but I'm sure no one cares what I'd think. But if you were hard up for a utena noon extrodanaire... I probably fit the bill. I've been basically assuming that it's an anime for a while now... So that's my level of familiarity.
A word to you @rym some of my submissions have have been borked when you look at them. I sent in a total of 5 and a few of them gave me a site error, if this is the case let me know and I can resubmit them.
Does it make sense for us to be submitting panels now, or should we wait until the disaster is mitigated somewhat? (I realize that assumes mitigation is possible . . .)
Does it make sense for us to be submitting panels now, or should we wait until the disaster is mitigated somewhat? (I realize that assumes mitigation is possible . . .)
As of right now, given the tight deadline, I'm operating under the assumption that sooner is better in all cases of panel submission.
Does it make sense for us to be submitting panels now, or should we wait until the disaster is mitigated somewhat? (I realize that assumes mitigation is possible . . .)
As of right now, given the tight deadline, I'm operating under the assumption that sooner is better in all cases of panel submission.
I accidentally hit enter before indicating that I need audio and projector for one of my panels. But I assume those are going to be standard in panel rooms anyway.
A gentle reminder to check your emails if you are on the panels department and do the thing. I did it but getting errors so not sure if the thing I did is good or not.
The new back-end is generally horrible, but things do seem to get submitted correctly. It just shows errors and gives non-administrative users zero feedback.
In other news: What's up with the "Purchase tickets to register" links next to every panel?
I have no comment about that site. People can express interest in different events or something. Panels won't use it, and nothing except specific workshops costs any extra money: same as always.
In other news: What's up with the "Purchase tickets to register" links next to every panel?
I have no comment about that site. People can express interest in different events or something. Panels won't use it, and nothing except specific workshops costs any extra money: same as always.
Edit: Also, am I off base thinking video gaming is a part of ConnectiCon? That's not a choice for the type of panel.
Edit^2: Eh, "panel" works.
I'm deciding what to do about that...
I wouldn't get in town early unless you plan to hang out and such. There won't be con going on except the late Thursday stuff that we usually ignore.
I'll probably be there for precon set up.
In other news: What's up with the "Purchase tickets to register" links next to every panel?
Games I'm bringing to ConnectiCon 2016