Way cool vid. I'm definitely all about yo-yoing, but I suck horribly. Probably because I don't actually yo-yo more than once a year, if that. Yo-yoing seems to be pretty popular though. I met a guy named Ruben when I went to Israel who was pretty good at yo-yoing. And I used to know the best yo-yoer in Germany via the Internets. He would always ask me for new Eurobeat music to yo-yo to in competitions.
Hope you didnt mind me using you and Rym's voices lol!
Nah, it's way cool. Just respect the Creative Commons, and you're all good. Also, you should have asked and we could have sent you the official "let's do this" wav file.
I could never in a billion years do that. Absolutely amazing. I've always envied people with coordination who could... you know...like... use a hammer, or not break things.
I dunno when I'll be making another new vid. I've come up with some new stuff since, but not enough to make a vid lol. I'm practicing to compete in the UK Southern Regional Championship in December, so if I make it (I might not be able to go, or if I do, maybe not in time to compete) I'll link you guys to the vid. :)
Keep it up man.
I was at the world yoyo contest this year and it blew my mind! The atmosphere was so amazing! I'll try to compete next year if I can make it...
Hope you didnt mind me using you and Rym's voices lol!
You used the let's do this bit.
I had to back the video up because I thought I recognized the "Let's do this"
Yoyo ftw!
Yup :) I love the 'ploo
Thanks for the props you guys :D
that was GREAT!
(Let's see Mr. Period work on that one... But yeah. You rock.)