It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
No. Of course there will be a forum. We made a new one. You can even go there right now. Here it is!
No. Keeping all this content available at the same URLs is our highest priority. We have backups because we obsessively backup everything. You should learn and back your things up as well as we do. We are going to load our backup into a self-hosted copy of Vanilla that is in read-only mode. This will allow us to keep all the content of this forum alive forever for $10 a month instead of $150.
Loading the backup into the self-hosted Vanilla is good enough to keep the content available, but it's not good enough to actually use. That's why we will keep it in read-only mode.
In theory you will still be able to login and see those. We are just going to disable the ability for people to make new threads or new comments on threads. Still, you should transfer your life over to the new forum ASAP.
In the new forum you can simply create a new discussion that begins with a link to the old archived forum thread so people have appropriate context. You should also include the first and last posts from the archived forum thread. There are already some examples of this being done, so you can copy those. By linking threads this way we can maintain continuity.
Tough shit. Deal with it. If you want to change my mind, send me $150 every month and I'll consider it. Maybe.
Ask it here while you still can! Alternatively, contact us using any of the other numerous means of interweb talking.
I currently can not log into the new forum, I assume because my account does not exist there. Do I need to make it anew or will the accounts be imported?
I dare you to search for a specific old thread here. I dare you.
EDIT: Looks like the new Forum isn't connecting right now...
In all seriousness, though, I gotta make a list of threads to recreate.