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Live FRC Forum Chat



  • edited January 2011
    EDIT: One of the related videos to VB GUI was this:
    It's actually a real file system viewer.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Did the channel die? I just went on a moment ago, and it is just two people idling.
  • I'm usually on during the day (9-6 EST), and I know Apreche, Trogdor, Bronzedragon, etc are on then as well.
  • I leave my computer on with it open, but I'm not always paying attention. You can just say my name and I'll open it up, though.
  • ##frontrowcrew is up and running. Be sure to put two hashtags before frontrowcrew.

  • If you prefer an actual irc client and not the web site. is good for that. That's what I'm using.
  • The whole FRCF IRC thing totally flopped last time. I want it to happen (in some form, be it IRC or something else), but in order for it to stick, it has to be done right. I'm not sure what that entails.
  • That entails it not being on IRC.
  • Sure, but what? Something web-based, I presume?

    I went back to the beginning of this thread. Gabbly doesn't even exist anymore.
  • Maybe something like this?
  • It's always empty or with one or two away users.
  • edited January 2012
    I think IRC would be best for persistence, but it has a fairly high barrier to entry. (the link I posted) is really easy, but doesn't have username authentication or persistence, to my knowledge. It's also a proof-of-concept, so it may not handle load well.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • So, the chat IS stateful, even if all users leave (and I checked one I had open with my coworker from earlier today, so it lasts at least 9 hours.

    The only issue I can see is that anyone can just pick a, just don't be a dick, ok?
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