The whole FRCF IRC thing totally flopped last time. I want it to happen (in some form, be it IRC or something else), but in order for it to stick, it has to be done right. I'm not sure what that entails.
I think IRC would be best for persistence, but it has a fairly high barrier to entry. (the link I posted) is really easy, but doesn't have username authentication or persistence, to my knowledge. It's also a proof-of-concept, so it may not handle load well.
So, the chat IS stateful, even if all users leave (and I checked one I had open with my coworker from earlier today, so it lasts at least 9 hours.
The only issue I can see is that anyone can just pick a, just don't be a dick, ok?
I went back to the beginning of this thread. Gabbly doesn't even exist anymore.
The only issue I can see is that anyone can just pick a, just don't be a dick, ok?