Yeap, usually, I vote the party not in control in major elections (Federal) and Third party for all Local positions (unless I specificly know a person running on the local level)
Yeah, I gotta vote for a few people. Also, even if I wasn't voting for any candidates, I still go to the booth to vote on propositions, referendums, etc. Not like it matters, I voted for trains last time and trains lost.
The incumbents in my county/district are running on the platform that college students should not be allowed to vote where they go to school; as if I didn't spend over 3/4s of the year in my college's county and if the majority of my disposable income wasn't spent in my college's county . . . WTF?! Also, our House of Representatives Representative is and idiot and a jerk, I cringe when she speaks. So yeah, I'll be voting.
I would vote, but filling out the paper work for an absentee ballot, is a pain. It is just not worth it when I no longer live in the state that I would be voting in.
We got a negative ad in the mail today. It was from one of those independent groups that does not officially endorse any particular candidate; they just bash the incumbent. It was pretty funny because they were bashing someone we already hated.
If I could vote, though, I would.
I base my vote on which candidate had the least amount of canned calls served to my home phone.
Andrew: What do you need a fake I.D. for?
Brian: So I can vote.
Not that I'm advocating that...wait, yes I am, we need as many smart people to vote as possible
Once I figure out who they work for, I tell them the opposite of what the polls say.
If their candidate is way up, I tell them my opinion of them is trash, and then I try to bullshit my way into telling them why...
Yes, I'm one of those evil people who told the pollsters that I voted for Kerry to screw up their exit polling data !!!