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PS2 game recommendations

edited November 2006 in Video Games
Hi all,

I'm seriously considering buying a PS2 which comes as a "console + 2xcontrollers + any free game" combo from the Gamestation store in the UK. I'm planning on buying Guitar Hero + an extra guitar controller from (it's cheaper), so I was wondering what free game I should get as part of the PS2 console combo.

I definately don't want a FPS or RTS game, as I find the mouse control in these type of games far superior. I don't really have the attention span for RPGs. Ideally I want something that's fairly easy to just pick-up and play for fun every now and again. I would also prefer multiplayer options (as in 2-4 players), since I'm not really a hardcore gamer and prefer to game with friends.

I've considered:
- the GTA series - unfortunately only single-player
- FIFA or Pro-Evo series
- Need For Speed series

Any other recommendations would be great. Cheers guys.


  • I recommend Burnout 3 or Revenge, Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari, Soul Calibur 3, and the Metal Gear Solid games.
  • The PS2 is mostly an RPG machine. I highly suggest you get the newest Gran Turismo game. For all the hype, it is a really good racing game.
  • Obviously, if you ARE into RPGs... there's no obvious choice. You have FF series, Grandia, Suidoken, All of these are good games. Keep in mind that FFXII just released :-D
  • Suggestions:

    PsycoNauts - Great funny platformer. Sadly only about 10 hours long
    God of War - Platformer: Teh AWESOME
    Guitar Hero - Just get it.
    Final Fantasy - 10 is super cheap right now and is really good. 12 just came out two days ago and I have only got about 5 hours on it. Really good from what I've played
    Marvel: Ultamite Alliance: It's fun.
    Xenosaga: 1 and 3 are really good. 2 sucks
    Okami: Really pretty. Lots of fun.

    As always, I suggest rent before buying.
  • Shadow of the Colossus is one of the greatest games ever. I highly recommend it to anyone who has a PS2.
  • yea, I just was given a PS2 for free!

    You forget it's also a karaoke and DDR machine as well Scott ^_^

    So far I bought Bully (So far a fun game) and Karaoke Revolution 2. I'm borrowing Radiatia stories, Star Ocean 3 (the second is one of my fav RPG's ever) and... Dark Cloud 2.

    I'll have to look at the suggestions so when the next buy 2 used get one free I'll pick up a bunch of other games (on my list is Kingdom Hearts and FFXII which actually might be the first FF that I buy since 6!
  • edited November 2006
    Dragon Quest VIII.
    Resident Evil 4 (ok, there is another one in the gamecube, but still is pretty cool)
    I almost forgot Winning Eleven series (3 was really cool for ps one, but for ps2 the best one os 9)
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • ive played about 100 PS2 games.

    my top 10

    1. Final Fantasy X
    2. God of War
    3. Silent Hill 2
    4. Pro Evo Series

    and in no particular order

    5. GTA
    6. NBA 2k series
    7. SSX 3
    8. Gran Turismo series
    9. DOA2:HC
    10. Resi Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid, Dynasty Warriors, Burnout 3
  • edited November 2006
    I myself don't own a PS2, but I've played a few games...

    Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari. The sequel has an excellent multiplayer mode.

    FFX. I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on this one, but I'm personally a big fan. It's a sexy, sexy game.

    Burnout 3. I only played this on the X-Box version of this, but as not-a-big-fan of racing games, this is one of the best I've ever played. The Crash Party minigame is one of the greatest things ever put into a game.

    Ookami. I know this isn't the kind of game you're looking for, and I've only watched a friend play this, but HOO DANG did it look cool.
    Post edited by Aido on
  • I couldn't resist:

    ANY game in the Burnout series except Burnout I is a blast to play, it provides instant gratification and you can easily play and turn off. It also has online options. The Fifa franchise is excellent - I support EA's soccer titles more than any other sport. Gran Turismo 4 is good but not great - the learning curve compared to the previous release is very steep (try to find the Greatest Hits version of Gran Turismo 3; hundreds of cars, manageable license tests and dozens of tracks for $20-25).

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas gives you an entire west coast state to play around in with missions that aren't TOO difficult to accomplish. The highway system was ingenious and the extra missions such as car exporting, dancing, racing, licenses and a half-decent plot with great voice acting sealed the deal for me (during semester break). If you want to buy GTA: SA I recommend the Introduction version which comes with two DVDs: the twenty-minute-long intro/documentary on low-riders and the DVD-9 game.
  • FFX is great. I love it, and replay it about once a year. Only pick up FFX:2 if you can get it VERY cheap.
    Other Jason favorites on PS2 are:

    Gran Turismo
    Star Wars Battlegrounds 1 and 2
    LEGO Star Wars 1 and 2
    X-Men Legends 1 and 2
    Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
    Ratchet and Clank series
    Jak and Daxter series

    I also need to get Shadow the Hedgehog. That's coming next. Good times.
    I don't know why the PS2 doesn't get more love.
  • I haven't played the new Fifa game, but I much prefer the World Cup game to the previous Fifa incarnations, if you want to try a Fifa game for cheaper than $40, that may be worth seeking out
  • I just like how intuitive the EA Sports games are, so I've gotten into a rut. I pick up the previous season for $5-8 at the local Gamestop each year for both FIFA and Madden and get my kicks. What do you like about World Cup? Maybe you can convince me to convert.

    Damn, I forgot to mention Destroy All Humans on my list. It gets old pretty quickly, but it's still fun to run around anal probing people, abducting cows, throwing around cars with telekinesis, and blowing the hell out of buildings and tanks.
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