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GeekNights 061106 - Shameless Self-Promotion

edited November 2006 in Everything Else
Tonight on GeekNights, we talk a bit about the ethics of promoting oneself on the Internet. In the news, the Republicans are up to no good, and the F117 Nighthawk is honourably retired.

Scott's Thing - Teh Internets!
Rym's Thing - Renault Racer


  • Libsyn isn't working. Clicking the direct mp3 link doesn't work.
  • The podcast is downloading for me at this very moment.
  • me too :D
  • Me tres.
  • Let me tell you about my teh awesome website.

    It's full of blah blah blah with links to blah blah blah and even has tags for blah blah blah...
  • Your site is really cool! I think you would like this discount home loan.
  • I'll totally be pimping my AMV here when I finish it :)
  • hey u join my gild, it is teh 1337!!!!

    so yah u can c it HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You won't believe the HUGE number of PMs I get like this on other forums.

    I think I once counted 25 in a single day! so yah im on yr side.
  • edited November 2006
    I do agree with you guys. On the forums I join I only plug my podcast in my signature. And here I only plugged it back when I introduced myself.

    Skunk Smells Podcast

    Post edited by MarcusNoble on
  • edited March 2012
    Resurrecting this thread to shamelessly self-promote. I'm currently working on RIT48, a 48-hour hackathon competition with the end goal of launching a web startup. The top five teams selected by the judges as well as the team whose elevator pitch has the most votes will make up the final round of the competition. It'd be really great if you'd click "Like" on this page to help my team out.

    Here's the video embedded (YouTube likes don't count):

    And if you want to see all of the elevator pitches:

    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited March 2012
    That's a pretty good app idea.

    EDIT: If any of you are in NYC and want to do some airsofty stuff, these are some pretty cool people who can help with that.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
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