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Gears of War is out and Sony fanboys can start weepin'

edited November 2006 in Everything Else
So I knew Gears of War was gonna come out today. It was supposed to after all. Sadly, my area (Eastern Kansas) doesn't sell it till tomorrow (Wednesday), but I've already got my future investment backed up with one positive review after another. X-Play gave it a 5/5, 1Up gave it a 10/10, Gamespot gave it a 9.6/10, so I feel pretty solid on my decision to buy it.

In fact, I'm thinking about purchasing Call of Duty 3 tomorrow as well. Idk too much about it, but I've been hearing it's getting pretty close to 10's on everything. I loved CoD2 anyway. Why not move on up the ladder?

But anyway, everybody who owns a 360, should know they have to go get GoW. No choice, you have to do it. Those poor guys at Epic have been working their tails off for two years so we can have one hell of a beautiful game.


  • Epic needs to make Jill of the Jungle on 360! XD
  • I'm making my friend buy it tomorrow purely for the online Co op.
  • Oh lord, Jill of the Jungle. If that's ever remade, I'm going to demand a 360 version of Skunny the Squirrel.
  • edited November 2006
    During lunch break, I'm gettin' my cash together and going to Gamespot and buying that game. God, I hope it's there, cause I've heard they might be releasing them in the evening. But I shouldn't worry.

    Supposedly, a reserve at the store is a guarantee that you'll get the game, so I'm waiting impatiently. I've never felt this much excitement and anticipation for a title like this before. Crazy!
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I just bought this game for way too much money yesterday. I had to buy the American import, cause the Asian import is sold out everywhere. Here’s my impressions of playing for 5 hours straight last night with the offline and online modes.

    The first page in the rule-book is AWESOME- it’s an explanation about the birth of Gears of War and the ideas surrounding their design and gameplay choices. It’s a good read and a smart move on Epic’s part, because it explains why this game is not just another fps and how it’s pushing the genre forward (even if none of the elements are all that original.. just the full package together has never been done this way before.)

    The gameplay is overall very simple, much more simple than it first appears. The game is basically an fps that has been heavily modified to incorporate the use of cover. Getting into and out of cover is very simple (a little buggy, but much better than I expected) and works very well. The game took about 20 minutes to get into and used to the controls. The default controls work really well, with the buttons being mapped in logical places.

    Running and getting into and out of cover are realistic in the sense that you can’t shoot and do them at the same time. While this sounds like crap that would restrict the fun-factor, it’s implemented really well to make the experience more intense.

    The single player campaign seems pretty fun. The voice-acting is great, but the script is a little too corny. I’ve heard the co-op is amazing, I haven’t tried it yet.

    The online deathmatch plays like counter-strike more than doom. It features 4 on 4 team battles and at first seems pretty simple. The complications that make the multi-player awesome are:

    The levels are pretty small, but they often have multiple routes allowing for the decision- should the whole group stay together, or should they split into groups and have one group out-flank the other.

    There are weapons dispersed throughout the maps, like magnum pistols, sniper rifles, grenades and rocket-launchers. If the teams both know where all the weapons are (I still have a long way to go with memorizing the maps) they can run to the weapon that they want to control. This makes for some intense strategy planning. It also makes for some awesome victories and punishing failures.

    You have to use team-work. You can rambo it up on your own, but it usually leads to a quick death and your team mates getting a bit annoyed. This has the negative side of when you’re in an intense match and one of your team members is not cooperating.. but it adds so much excitement when someone does rambo and they manage to take out a bunch of people.

    Just a short mention on the graphics- holy crap they’re good. The game feels like you’re inside old school Warhammer 40k buildings. The Unreal 3 engine is beautiful, it has me REALLY excited for Unreal 2k7.

    Some things I’d like to see Epic do with downloadable content- Increase the amount of players you can have in a match, 4 on 4 is awesome, but 6 on 6 would allow for multiple squads (maybe this could be in the sequel). More multi-player maps, there are 9 as it is, but a few more would be nice (I’m sure they’ll add them in later with downloadable content)
  • I have heard ALOT of stories of the game crapping out after a while. Let us know if it does. Have fun you lucky bastard ^_^
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