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Navy Screws friend (Katsucon related)

edited February 2006 in Conventions
So as for Katsucon, I just got a phone call from my friend Bruce who’s currently stationed in England with the Navy at a base that is decommissioning. He had put in leave a half a year ago for 3 weeks so he could come to the convention and then hang out with his family and friends. However, the Navy has screwed him, cancelling his leave today a full day before he was supposed to board his flight for home. Mainly because some guy who’s been telling him to kill himself reported him as threatening him (because Bruce didn’t like being told that). Well now he’s filed with JAG and they seem to think he has a case. I hope so. Because the freaking Navy screwed a lot of people, his parents and all of us that were going to Katsucon included.

So I'll let you know what the outcome has, hopefully it's a nice slap in the face for whoever screwed Bruce.


  • I'm just proud of the fact that I knew what JAG was.

    That sucks for Bruce, though. Haven't seen him in a while, and I know he was looking forward to this.
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