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Reminder: Dec 5 is Day of the Ninja!

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
Just a reminder that Tuesday/Dec. 5 is Day of the Ninja. A day for Non-jas to be as Ninja-like as possible.


  • Ironically, today is my birthday. Huh.
  • Wow. That day just snuck up on me outta nowhere.
  • Day of the Ninja is decidedly inferior to International Talk like a Pirate Day.
  • Day of the Ninja is decidedly inferior to International Talk like a Pirate Day.
  • Day of the Ninja is decidedly inferior to International Talk like a Pirate Day.
    Only because talk like a pirate is unexpected, the person looks normal then suddenly they talk all piratey. With ninja day by the time they notice you are a ninja they are dead... so it's far less amusing for other people.
  • Day of the Ninja is decidedly inferior to International Talk like a Pirate Day.
    Only because talk like a pirate is unexpected, the person looks normal then suddenly they talk all piratey. With ninja day by the time they notice you are a ninja they are dead... so it's far less amusing for other people.

    Pirates FTW!
  • All I have to say is that Pirates and Ninjas are both awesome, I'll be a Ninja over a Pirate any day, and if I had my way, I would be A SEA-FARING NINJA.
  • Today is also my dog's birthday and she is a ninja :P
  • Day of the Ninja is decidedly inferior to International Talk like a Pirate Day.
    Only because of the fact that TLaPD has a very specific act in the title. I have to say that I side "ninjas>pirates", but it is a definite flaw in the naming. Someone had the idea to revise it to "Sneak like a Ninja" day. Still kinda lame, though.
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