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Favorite Podcasts

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
Rym was talking about his favorite Podcasts on the monday night show. What are some of your favorite Podcasts (besides GeekNights, of course). Some of Mine are:

Physics for Future Presidents
Cinema Rant
12 Byzantine Rulers (Thanks Rym)
and The Onion News Radio


  • History According to Bob
  • and their 6 different podcasts
    Opie & Anthony, their daily XM show
    Simply Syndicated, and their 4 podcasts
    Comic Geek Speak
    The PodCulture Network
  • PCGamer Podcast
  • edited December 2006
    I subscribe to more than 40 podcasts, here's just a few =P

    -Anime World Order
    -Cush: Things I Say
    -Fast Karate for the Gentleman
    -Penn Radio Podcast
    -Radio Three-Sixty
    -The Bitterest Pill
    -They Might Be Giants Podcast
    -Weebl's Stuff - The Podcast

    Oh, and I've been listening to this other podcast recently...It's called GeekNights or something...Anyone heard of it?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2006
    1UP Yours - The only video game podcast I've actually enjoyed listening to, the 4 hosts cover all the major fanboy bases and have their own unique and interesting personalities and quirks and flaws.

    Geek Nights - Again, 2 interesting hosts with separate personalities with their own quirks and flaws discuss misc geekery and tomfoolery.

    Extra Life Radio - More misc geekery that focuses less on tech and more on comics and movies.

    Fear the Boot - I don't even play tabletop RPGs and I enjoy listening to these guys. They don't get bogged down in the uber boring technical aspects but focus on more universally interesting topics.

    NPR:Wait Wait Don't Tell Me - Hilarious weekly news/current events quiz show, Carl Kasell and Peter Sagal are my radio personality gods

    WAMU: The Diane Rheme Show - Gotta keep up with current events so I listen to her Friday's 2 hour long US and International News roundup show, what I like about her guests is that she doesn't just get two mouthpieces from 2 sides and have them spew canned rhetoric at each other. She generally seems to be able to find more level-headed people from both sides, but her callers.. are generally hippie idiots that I FF through.
    Post edited by Kite on
  • Sail, They Might Be Giants as in the band?
  • Holy crap. I've got a lot of podcasts. Here are my faves...

    1Up Yours - I just discovered this one a week ago. I'm working my way through the archives and am really digging the interactivity between the hosts.
    7th Son - Excellent audio novel. As soon as this guy gets published I'm buying.
    Anime World Order - You already know why.
    Boing Boing Boing - I don't even read Boing Boing but the hosts are great and talk about some interesting stuff.
    Cory Doctorow's - Good free SF audio from Mr. Doctorow himself.
    Dave and Joel's Fast Karate For The Gentleman - You already know why.
    Diggnation - Good place to pick up the stories I may have missed in my Digg RSS.
    Downloadable Content - I really with the PA guys would update this more often.
    Engadget - More for the commentary than the news. I hit the site enough that they never tell me anything I don't already know.
    Escape Pod - The very best in SF audio.
    Geeknights - You really should already know why.
    Movies You Should See - Ditto
    NPR: the Diane Rhem Show: Friday News Roundup - Nice 2 hour roundtable covering national news and internatinal news. Good, intelligent discussion.
    NPR: Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me - NPR's weekly news quiz. A constant source of hilarity.
    On The Media - NPR program on today's media culture.
    The Rookie - Personally, my favorite audio novel that Scott Sigler's done so far.
    The Seanachai - He doesn't update as much as he used to, but when he does it's generally audio gold.
    This American Life - Yet another NPR program (yes, I donate annually). This one defies categorization, except that it's exactly what the title says.

    And those are just the ones I jump all over as soon as they show up in my catcher. I've got another dozen or so that I listen to but don't froth at the mouth over.
  • TWiT
    Ctrl Alt Chicken
    Pixel Perfect
    the Penny Arcade Podcast
  • track-shun (video podcast of anime currently airing in Japan)
    The Dice Tower (weekly podcast about boardgames)
  • Well aside from my own here are the ones I like: (if you'd like links, let me know)

    7th Son: Great Sci-fi podcast novel by JC Hutchins

    Geeknights: You might know these guys. They do a show every Mon. - Thurs. about geeky stuff

    Podcast About Nothing: Short and random podcast by Jimmy Jett

    Number One With A Bullet: Action Packed podcast novel by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff

    Pacific Coast Hellway: Also done by Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff and one of the inspirations for my podcast. He does a show every day where he rants about stuff.

    The Rookie: Scott Sigler's best podcast novel yet.

    Smart Wrestling Fan Wrestling Review Show: A great show that goes over all the happenings in WWE, TNA, and indie wrestling in the past week. Great if you're a wrestling geek

    Freaky Furry Friends: Humorous and random, great if you're a furry or not.
  • o.O I've listenes to or am currently subscribed to half the books on

    Including the 7th Son saga by J.C. Hutchins and all of Sigler's books.
    Other fiction...
    Escape Pod
    Variant Frequencies
    Cory Doctorow's

    Non audio-fiction podcasts...

    Artist Alley (I listen to make sure it's listenable)

    Geek Fu Action Grip: Mur is a friend of mine, so it's kinda nice to hear her talk. Plus, the occasional story or essay that I find hilarious.

    GeekNights: Again, two guys that are friends of mine. That Rym guy tends to be really full of himself and talks about the technical side of podcasting too much. ^_~

    I Should Be Writing, The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy: two podcasts on writing. I find them inspiring for art as well.

    LSAT Test Day Analysis: okay, you probably aren't interested in this one unless you're prepping for the LSATs XD

    Skepticality: Listen to this occasionally when they have an interesting subject. Can be long and rambly.

    Slice of Scifi - much fun, and gives me all sorts of geek-type news I need to stay on top of what is coming out.

    The Signal - Firefly podcast...don't really listen to it anymore, but it was the first one I ever subscribed to, and it's got it's good moments.


    tend to stay away from these for the most part, but...

    Dead Gentlemen Presents...: a vidcast from the makers of "The Gamers"!!
  • Penn Radio Podcast
    Mugglecast (it isn't all that great, but I need a filler for my slow weekends)
    SBEMails Video Podcast
    The President's Weekly Radio Address (parody)

    While this doesn't look like much, two of these podcasts are somewhat long four-times-a-friggin'-week podcasts, so that's enough for my rather sedentary lifestyle. ^_^

    Occasionally I'll also listen to the Onion podcast, but that's only when I'm bored. During the summer, though, I'll probably subscribe to a helluva lot more!
  • RymRym
    edited December 2006
    I subscribe to a lot of podcasts to which I occasionally listen. Below are the ones I listen to without fail whenever they update.

    12 Byzantine Emperors
    Anime World Order
    Fast Karate for the Gentleman
    NPR: Health and Science
    NPR: Technology
    NPR: It's All Politics
    BBC World Service: Documentary Archives
    Penn Radio
    Escape Pod
    Security Now

    The Roadhouse
    Derek the Bandit's Sound Republic
    Post edited by Rym on
  • My list

    Security Now
    Windows Weekly
    Buzz out loud

    1up yours
    EGM Live
  • edited December 2006
    Sail, They Might Be Giants as in the band?
    Yep. I'm a big fan. They do a podcast a few times a month with new recordings and songs.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited December 2006
    Anime World Order
    Everyday of Geeknights
    Fast Karate for the Gentelman
    True Believer
    The Whocast
    The Signal
    Firefly talk
    The 9th
    Two geeks, a mic, and a podcast
    Scott Sigler audio novels
    Daily Breakfast
    Catholics in a small town
    Weekly Anime Review
    Happy House of Hentai
    Ninja Consultants
    The Presidential Weekly Radio Address (is hilarious)
    7th Son
    The Greatest Movie ever
    Anime Pulse
    Chibi Tokyo
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • The President's Weekly Radio Address (parody)
    I listen to the real one and the fake one, sometimes it takes me a minute to figure out which is which.
  • My List:


    Anime World Order
    Fast Karate
    Extra Life Radio
    Infendo Radio
    The Instance (although I don't play WoW any more)

    For those who want to know...



    As my old English teacher would say: "That was it, good bye"
  • Here's my whole list:

    Anime Today from
    Ask a Ninja Wii Spotlight
    Gaming Cyclone Nintendo Wii T&G
    All of GeekNights of Course
    Hope is Emo
    Infendo Radio
    Next Generation Podcast
    Pet Food Alpha
    Planet Xbox 360
    The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society
    The Onion Radio News
    The Wiire
  • Some good crossover here, and certainly some things I wouldn't mind trying as well.

    My personal list:

    Anime World Order
    The Greatest Movie EVER
    Fast Karate for the Gentleman
    Ninja Consultant
    Otaku Generation
    Penn Radio (thanks for turning me on to this, R & S)
    NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
    NPR's This American Life
    R5 Central
    The Diner (from James Lileks of "The Gallery of Regrettable Food" and fame)
  • As always, you can find my Podcast OPML at :
  • Speaking of, Scott, when are you going to get that opml sharing software/site up and running. You guys were all about that a while ago and I still think it's an awesome idea.
  • Speaking of, Scott, when are you going to get that opml sharing software/site up and running. You guys were all about that a while ago and I still think it's an awesome idea.
    Shit-talking ftw!
  • In addition to GN I like:

    Adam Curry: DSC (only catch it 1 or 2 times a week)
    BBC Radio Newspod
    Board Games with Scott (vidcast, bi-weekely)
    Board Games to Go
    Coverville (best music podcast ever!)
    NPR Shuffle
    Scott Sigler books (I like his new one The Rookie)
    Slacker Astronomy
    Strong Bad Emails (cartoon vidcast)
    The Dice Tower
    Tiki TV (funny drink making vidcast)
  • Nobody mentioned Astronomy Cast.
  • Quite a few:

    1UP Yours - (These individuals have finally stopped talking about Gears of War!) making this a hard-hitting podcast about game development (their debates are really good) and these tend to be more technical and far-reaching than other video game-related podcasts. They have the most keen perspective of game-related issues despite their different backgrounds.

    Geeknights - Mainly for anime reviews and the convention stories. They are also the first serious Linux users that I've heard from, their show formatting and audio quality are exceptional and the dialogue is intelligent. It also helps that they are avid Nintendo fans and serious anime enthusiasts, as well as good observers on our society's culture and the lawmaking simpletons that govern it.

    The Hotspot -'s official podcast. Basically sums up the events previously posted in the news pages during the previous week with their own analysis. Also plays the most insane voice-mail recordings known to man, leading new listeners to believe that gamers are a sick breed.

    IGN Gamescoop - a counter to 1UP Yours, the podcast gives a less technical aspect for entertainment's sake.

    KEXP Music that Matters - a Seattle-based music station that plays a sampling usually an hour long. They choose a different genre each week, but their specialty is mainly indie-rock bands. I recommend episode #26 for Arkade's "Boarding Pass Only" and Yam's "Dub Fear".

    MacCast - Now over 170 podcasts, and one of the very first podcasters. Adam does a great job in convincing me to switch from Windows to Mac in his tips, Apple-related developments and the Mac community. His forum is exactly what the Appletalk Forums SHOULD HAVE been. I urge anyone who owns a Mac to listen in. Note: his .mp3 feed can be found only at his website ( as the iTunes Store only lists his enhanced podcast feed.

    Meet the Press - I care little about politics but this is the only way that I can catch up on government issues. They recently interviewed Arnold Schwarzenegger (God, I spelled his name right!) on his reelection victory and received some very interesting comments.

    NOA Today and Lithcast (formerly Nintendo Podcast) - the podcaster has the worst microphone etiquette, and doesn't even care. His "umms" and "ahhs", his constantly losing his train of thought (thus repeating himself) tend to make a simple hour-long podcast into a two or three-hour torture test. After reading the horrible reviews that listeners have written I actually wrote a long email to him pointing out his flaws. I no longer listen to the Lithcast but NOA Today with Nintendo's stock reports and rumor control is good and short (about twenty minutes).

    Typical Mac User Podcast - A beginner Mac podcast, as the podcaster himself has switched from Windows to Mac after several severe XP and Vista beta crashes and security holes. His short podcast includes beginner and advanced-level tips and tricks as well as some hardware reviews. He also hosts a Sunday night "live" podcast in which listeners can phone in and discuss Macs.

    The Wiire - (formerly Revolution Report) a podcast about the Wii, started since about May 2005. They have been criticized for forming their podcast and their website about the console sixteen months before the Wii's launch but their podcast is the BEST Wii podcast out there, run by computer programmers about two years younger than I am. The one flaw in the podcast - it's supposed to be weekly, but recently it's more like once a month!

    TWiT - To stay abreast of recent tech-related news and developments

    Video podcasts:

    The 1UP Show - an excellent supplement to the 1UP Yours audio podcast.

    GT TV -'s daily dose of game videos. I chose the Wii and PS3 feeds.

    On the Spot - supplementing Gamespot's Hotspot podcast. Sometimes the audio and video aren't synched, but the podcast itself is good and the game demo footage is of decent quality.

    I'm currently searching for a jazz podcast as well as one for art history and especially one for Linux.
  • My Top Ten (roughly):

    1. Dave and Joel's Fast Karate for the Gentlemen - Professional Unprofessionalism
    2. 7th Son - It got me into podiobooks and is still goin' strong
    3. Geeknights Tuesdays - Explains itself
    4. Ask a Ninja - One of the few vidcasts I bother with
    5. Anime World Order - Finally, Otaku who know what they're talking about
    6. Comic Strip Live: Stand-Up Comedy (Dead as far as I can tell) - Funny stuff
    7. Nate and Di Show (Dead) - Specifically the later episodes
    8. Ancestor (Completed) - A Podiobook by Scott Sigler. Violence galore. Just the way I like it.
    9. Geeknights Thursdays - Always informative
    10. The Rookie (Completed) - Another Scott Sigler podiobook. For a story about football, it's done well in keeping my interest.
  • Well, here we go:

    12 Byzantine Rulers - It updates fairly infrequently, yet it's great.
    7th Son - Third book just started, and there are many explosionary things.
    Anime World Order - To enrich my mind, and broaden my anime horizons.
    Dave and Joel's Fast Karate for the Gentleman - I had to type out the whole title.
    Diggnation - It's how I get a lot of my news.
    Distorted View - The darker side of podcasting. Think 4chan in audio form. Also, hilarious. (If you like that sort of thing)
    Geeknights - [witty comment on the familiar]
    MacBreak Weekly - My Apple podcast. It's decent, and software picks of the week are excellent.
    Movies You Should See - I think this is what brought me to geeknights.
    The Onion Radio News - Whenever I can't read it in print, I get it here.
    Otaku Generation - Very long, but interesting.
    PC Gamer Podcast - To keep up on gaming news and such.
    Real Time with Bill Maher - HBO releases every episode out as an audio podcast. As his humor is mostly spoken, it's really great.
    Security Now - A great podcast about security, though they talk a lot about Vista. Informative.
    This Week in Tech - Very general, and I sometimes wonder why I still listen. Then they have an awesome show, and I continue to subscribe.
    Weekly Anime Review Podcast - Not weekly, and sometimes not reviewing anime, but it's good to keep track of more mainstream stuff.
    Windows Weekly - Due to gaming, convenience, and lack of soundcard support, I still use windows as my primary OS. Thus, I need to bash it into the shape I want to do anything. This helps a little.

    Wow, I didn't know I listened to all these podcasts! These, along with audiobooks and some music, make up my entire music library. I don't know how, but I usually manage to listen to all of them each week.
  • I like...
    All days of GeekNights
    Anime World Order
    Dave and Joel's Fast Karate for the Gentlemen
    The Greatest Movie EVER! Podcast
    Lather's Blather
    Otaku Generation
    Meandering Mouse (Disney park podcast)(Yeah, I'm a Disney nut as well as a anime/video game fan.)
  • Now that it's the summer and I'm not in need of something to listen for for 6 hours a day or so, here are my podcasts, in no particular order:
    f4wonline's shows(my friend got me a subscription as a gift, but the Monday Bryan and Vinny show is free if you want to try it)
    Wiggly's Shows(I don't watch the video podcasts)
    Anime World Order
    Fast Karate For the Gentlemen(working through the archives)
    Simply Syndicated's shows
    Daizenshuu EX(also working through the archives, but everyone should listen to the review of the DBZ season one boxset to see how NOT to remaster something)
    Between The Ropes
    Car Talk
    Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
    Joe Vs. the World
    Indeed Wrestling Weekly
    Stomp Tokyo
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