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Help me look busy at work

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
Okay, so it's 9:46 a.m. and I've cleared my work to-do list. Now the remainder of the day will be spent twiddling my thumbs, pretending to be engaged in a project, and waiting for the phone to ring. Oh, I'm sure that at some point one of my underlings will hand in something that needs approved or edited or some such shit, but until then I have to find ways to stave off boredom.

Now, I have an extensive list of links I check all the time, but I feel like I'm in a rut. Fark just isn't doing it anymore. I can't fart around on YouTube or anywhere else that requires sound. So somebody help me out... what URLs do you visit every day? This holiday season, show you really care. Save a Jason... give a URL.


  • edited December 2006
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Read history on Wikipedia.

    Or, subscribe to TotalFark or UltraFark.
  • Go to a random wiki page. Read some stuff if it's interesting. If not, load another random one. Just start clicking around links that look interesting, or put them in a new tab. It's amazing the topics you can cross only clicking links on wikipedia.
  • Might I suggest this?
  • Might I suggestthis?
    Jeeze Rym, what is it with you and your Byzantine fetish?
  • I think it's neat.

    I've gained a lot of insight into how Christianity came into being, how the dark ages of Europe came about, and why the Muslim armies weren't able to completely overrun the collapsed western world. You can see where the divisions and cultures of modern Europe came from, and in general learn a lot about a mostly ignored segment of history.
  • Holy crap, Scott, that Tower Defence thing kept me busy for 2.5 hours. It really did the trick, but I was only able to get a score of 76. Did you get much higher than that, and if so, how the hell did you do it?
  • Holy crap, Scott, that Tower Defence thing kept me busy for 2.5 hours. It really did the trick, but I was only able to get a score of 76. Did you get much higher than that, and if so, how the hell did you do it?
    That's about as high as most people can get. They claim the guy who made the game can get to 90, they lie I think. I searched on the net for other tower defense games. Some were better, some were worse. All of them seemed to suffer from a great imbalance in numbers. I think the quest for the ultimate tower defense game is on.
  • The Wikipedia idea works for me in the same situation. I don't think I could do it so early in the morning though.
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