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Tonight on GeekNights, we talk a bit about the giving and receiving of gifts. In the news, Best Buy goes full flex, and Toronto plays host to a massive capture-the-flag flashmob.
Scott's Thing - Atomic Sit-Up
Rym's Thing - Hoisted By Their Own Petard
Best Buy is a for-profit company. They have a duty to maximize value for the shareholders. This is clearly a policy designed to get more work out of employees. No doubt, if they realize that their employees had more time than was necessary to finish a set of tasks, they will increase the amount of tasks. Call me cynical, but I see this as an ingenious way to increase efficiency. The employees think that they are helping themselves, when they are really giving the company valuable information that will be used to tweak their assignments.
I wish this was a good thing for the employees. After all, I'm the guy who used to hand in his tests a half hour before anyone else - and I would still get an "A".