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300 the movie

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
300 Trailer

You guys see this. It looks pretty Damn Cool. Based on Frank Millers (Sin City) retelling the tale of 300 spartans holding off 1 million Persians. It looks like it has the requisite crazy Spartan Warrior Action! (along with Rhino's and Crazy Fat men!)


  • I'm a little skeptical. I want to read the comic, but it's too much money.
  • The trailer looked interesting, but also over-dramatized and more than a bit odd. ^_~

    I'd prefer a more historical telling probably, but I do plan to see this movie regardless.
  • edited December 2006
    Haha yeah, the imagery looks pretty surreal. Like Rym said, it must draw on the graphic novel (which I know nothing about) for its art direction, rather than replicating historical scenery and costuming. Oh well, even if the Persians look like crazy monsters and the Spartans fight in hotpants, it seems like it would be pretty exciting. XD

    Edit: Wikipedia - Battle of Thermopylae Yay history!
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • edited December 2006
    Dear lord, I'm probably going to have to see this movie just because it looks so pretty. (I'm a sucker for that sort of visual design, ya'see) As far as Frank Miller goes, I'm just awaiting the day they turn Ronin into a movie (The Dark Knight Returns has already found a home in Batman begins in my opinion) Judging by the popularity of Sin City and the buzz that's stirring up over this one, it can't be too far off.

    As for the historical setting, four years of Latin and Roman history have garnered me a great appreciation for classical history and its retelling in modern media (the more faithful the better, in most cases) and while I would love to see a very realistic take on Thermopylae, the 300 strikes me as more of a spiritual and thematic incarnation than anything else, a mythic retelling, if you will, and I can settle with that. If I ever feel a hunger for some juicy historically accurate storytelling, I can always turn to Rome (The next season can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned.)
    Post edited by Hasbro on
  • The Dark Knight Returns has already found a home in Batman begins in my opinion
    Batman Begins is not even close to DNR. I think Batman Begins is a very overrated movie. Just another average action flick in my book. If you really made a movie of DNR, that would be something!
  • So many elements I felt were co-opted into the final film (to what success can be argued some other time) that I feel it may be as close as we're gonna get. At least until the next director takes up the reigns a decade or so down the road. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see a straight up DNR film but the influence (the mood, the discussion of vigilantism, the bat mobile even) is evident enough that it doesn't seem very likely.
  • *cough* I don't believe it was 1 million Persians..
  • Well that wikipedia article that fred threw up there says that classical sources state somewhere between 2 to 5 million Persian soldiers , while some modern historians argue that the Persian army likely numbered more around 300,000, with the Greek forces being a more reasonable 100,000. Like I said though, the 300 seems a more mythic take, which would fall in line with looking to the more exaggerated classical tallies.
  • You can't hold back 10 million Persians
  • You have to remember that the terrain was terribly constricting. The Persian forces couldn't take advantage of their numbers at all, and had to literally climb over the bodies of the fallen to continue attacking. With a purely defensive posture, the Spartans could very well have held a massive army at bay for some time with a mere 300 men.

    If the Persians numbered 100 000 or 1 000 000, there would have been no difference in this battle (beyond deaths due to exposure, disease, and so forth in the reserves).
  • If only someone thought to bring a catapult or a ballista or something.
  • A ballista wouldn't have been very useful. The Spartans were fighting just in front of an ancient wall, and could easily have slipped behind it. Nevermind the difficulties of getting a ballista into the pass and close enough to fire or the problems protecting the crew from Spartan sorties.
  • Airplanes would have helped. Also bombs and guns.
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