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Drinking game

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
Every time Rym says "actually," take a drink. I guarantee you'll be under the table in no time.


  • Like, you know, ummm...
  • Take two when he says "I submit...". ;D
  • Everytime Scott says an Internet/l33t word take drink.

    He says "teh" and "lol" a lot!
  • Finish your drink whenever he says "sedentary lifestyle."
  • Drink for the amount of seconds that it takes Rym to say "OOOOOOOOooooBOOntoooooooooooooooooooo"
  • Every time Rym starts a sentence with, "Now..." do a shot. w00t. Seriously, though, I am interested in hearing more about Scott's reasons for teetotalling.
  • edited December 2006
    Every time Rym starts a sentence with, "Now..." do a shot. w00t. Seriously, though, I am interested in hearing more about Scott's reasons for teetotalling.
    Why drink poison? It tastes bad and makes you sick.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited December 2006
    Why drink poison? It tastes bad and makes you sick.
    Why ignore the medical literature? Alcohol in moderation has health benefits.

    I don't drink, but I don't deny the medical literature.
    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • RymRym
    edited December 2006
    Why drink poison? It tastes bad and makes you sick.
    Scott considers any drink with corn syrup, carbonation, or alcohol to be poison. He also considers dealcoholized wine to be poison. Organic drinks are poison. Energy drinks are poison. Anything he would consider "hippie" is poison. Any non-cow milk is poison. Skim milk is poison. Fortified juice or milk is poison.

    He drinks plain apple juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, 3% cow milk, and water.

    Moreso, he never drinks: he chugs. He rarely uses glasses if he can avoid it, and will always drink an entire portion in as short a time as possible. He yells at other people for drinking slowly or having a glass that they do not immediately empty and discard.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • So... How does Scott feel about purified water?
  • I kind of chug. Sipping doesn't work for me. D: Augh, so slow! Gah, how can people take so frickin' long drinking a glass of water? Seriously. How? Of course, with my attitude, it's generally a good idea for me to avoid alcohol. ;)

    Back on track: Swig for "Oh mans!"
  • Purified water isn't poison, but it's a waste in most areas.

    Honestly, I agree with him on that front. Unless the municiple water in an area is actually bad, or you have a dubious natural source, there's really no reason to bother with purification.

    Far worse than that, however, is bottled water...
  • Mandatory sip when Rym says: "We could do a whole show on that" or any derivation thereof.
  • Purified water is only useful for those people with the extreme allergies to...whatever it is in their water that they apparently react to. The actual term does not come to mind. Oh, and science experiments, I guess.
  • There is something I am missing here about this whole water is poison debate...I just can't place my finger on it...
  • edited December 2006
    One more question:

    Scott is travelling and gets thirsty. He stops in a Quickie Mart and goes to the cold drink section...

    Will he buy his beverage in a plastic or glass container?
    Will he buy (water) Spring, purified, mineral, etc... type of water?
    Would he drink orange juice from a can? (Yes, it does exist) Or any other fruit juice from a can?
    When in areas where the tap water has some foreign element in it (sulfur, high iron etc...) will he drink it from the tap?
    If he had to use some sort of water "softener" would he use potassium or sodium?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • One more question:

    Scott is travelling and gets thirsty. He stops in a Quickie Mart and goes to the cold drink section...

    Will he buy his beverage in a plastic or glass container?
    The container does not influence my decision unless it is a can. That being said I do prefer plastic because I can bite it and flex it without hurting my teeth. I also prefer wider openings for more rapid drinking.
    Will he buy (water) Spring, purified, mineral, etc... type of water?
    I probably will not buy water if there is a fountain. If I have to buy water, I get the most water for the lowest price. I will only get plain water, no flavoring or vitamins or shit.
    Would he drink orange juice from a can? (Yes, it does exist) Or any other fruit juice from a can?
    I have had many fruit juices from cans. Orange Juice tends to taste poor when in a can. Apple Juice seems to be enhanced. If orange juice in a can was the only choice, I would take it.
    When in areas where the tap water has some foreign element in it (sulfur, high iron etc...) will he drink it from the tap?
    If the tap water is truly terrible, I won't drink it. In my grandmother's old house the water was officially proclaimed unsafe for drinking, but safe for cooking or washing dishes. I did not drink it without filtration.
    If he had to use some sort of water "softener" would he use potassium or sodium?
    I don't know much about water softening. I do know that in some showers I do not feel like the soap has been washed away. I have been told this is because the water is either too hard or too soft. I don't remember which. Whatever it takes to get the shower to make me feel clean is what I want. If I had to drink the water, I think I might choose the potassium. I don't think potassium tastes like anything, but salt water is yucky. I really don't know enough about water softening to say more than that.

    Typically I only drink three things: plain water, 100% fruit juice and 3% milk. I do deviate from this, but not often. Common deviations include corn-syrup based lemonade, 2% or 1% milk, liquid medicines and hobo wine.
  • Typically I only drink three things: plain water, 100% fruit juice and 3% milk. I do deviate from this, but not often. Common deviations include corn-syrup based lemonade, 2% or 1% milk, liquid medicines and hobo wine.
    What so you do drink alcohol? I am really confused.
  • He drank two sips of hobo wine once.
  • He drank two sips of hobo wine once.
    And that is a "Common deviation"?
  • Well, he did take two class levels in Hobo a while back...
  • Scott should try real alcoholic cider. My friends and I are currently in the midst of letting a batch of some ferment that we made last weekend. It's basically just Apple juice and brown sugar. No corn syrup here.
  • I use to play a drinking game with some college friends, we watched Masters of the Universe and everytime Skeletor laughed we drank more beer! Those were the days.

    Scott, drink a few beers, you will be laughing and dancing in no time!
    Or follow Ryms footsteps and indulge in some Chardonnay.
  • I use to play a drinking game with some college friends, we watched Masters of the Universe and everytime Skeletor laughed we drank more beer! Those were the days.

    Scott, drink a few beers, you will be laughing and dancing in no time!
    Or follow Ryms footsteps and indulge in some Chardonnay.
    I laugh and dance anyway.
  • I had this Korean energy drink called Bacchus F. I'd never heard of it in my entire life, but me and some pals got some donuts one morning and it was in the fridge... looked nifty. It was maybe 150, 200 ml worth in a little medicine sized bottle. It was RAW CORN SYRUP POISON. Scott would love it.
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