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Starting a podcast

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
So I've been listening to several History podcasts and it has occurred to me that as far as the facts go I could totally do that. How do I get started? What do I need? Am I an idiot for considering it?


  • edited December 2006
    If you look through the GeekNights archives, you'll find some "how to podcast" podcasts in there.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • We'll do some straight-up, technical "how to podcast" shows in the nearish future. A lot of guides out there are pretty bad, and a lot of people do it really really inefficiently.
  • That would be much appreciated, as I too am going to do a podcast soon.
  • Crazy, so many new podcasts popping up.
  • One of my geek friends and I are hoping to start a podcast, so a specific "How to podcast" show would be great. Also, does anyone have any name suggestions? The podcast will most likely be about general geekery, somewhat similar to Geeknights (I'm hoping that we don't accidentally become too similar to you guys). I probably won't use the specific name, but I might end up getting an idea from one.
  • Starting a podcast is so much simpler than you think. Record it, upload it, done. But structuring a show so that it is interesting to the audience... that's a toughie.
  • But you've gotta remember, it's more than that.

    Record it - Ok, now, you can just record with some mics, but you need a mixer, compressor, and some decent mics to do this well.

    Upload it - Yeah, the question is, where to upload it, how to upload it, and making a feed for it, or getting someone to do it for you.

    I'm just trying to make the point, it really isn't that easy. If you did it like you said to do it, you would probably get a show out, but it would sound horrible, be tough to get, and wouldn't be that appealing.
  • But you've gotta remember, it's more than that.
    Record it - Ok, now, you can just record with some mics, but you need a mixer, compressor, and some decent mics to do this well.
    Upload it - Yeah, the question is, where to upload it, how to upload it, and making a feed for it, or getting someone to do it for you.
    I'm just trying to make the point, it really isn't that easy. If you did it like you said to do it, you would probably get a show out, but it would sound horrible, be tough to get, and wouldn't be that appealing.
    *sigh* I've been running a fairly successful podcast for almost a year. I know it isn't that simple. I was trying to make the point that content is far more important than those two bits.
  • I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound all (in lack of a better word) snotty about it. I also took the liberty of listening to your podcast, and I enjoy it alot. Although, not trying to be "snotty" again, if you cut out the pauses and stuff you would be about 5 minutes shorter. Lol.

    Also, can you just kinda list what you use to do the show? I don't imagine it's much, I was just curious, because the audio quality wasn't that bad, and not near as bad as I had thought it would be.

    *Btw, where did you get your intro music? I was just wondering. Thanks!
  • edited December 2006
    Here is what I use currently:

    -(A hacked version of) CastBlaster/Audacity
    -Podsafe Music Network/15 Megs Of Fame before they closed down/Various other indepentant artist sites. Just google. Most people are thrilled when you play their music on your show.
    -A cheap $30 headset mic.

    For someone who is low on cash or is a student and wants to start a podcast, I highly recommend PodOMatic. I used it for months before, literally, I could not afford $10 a month. Also, Audacity is a great and free program for almost any kind of recording. I just use CastBlaster because I really like to do the show live rather than post-production. I also do not use a pop filter. I've learned to keep my mic out of the "line of fire" and watch my levels. It turns out just fine.

    I get a lot of comments about that song, Viola! Just scroll down for "TV Girl". I love this guy's music.
    I was just curious because the audio quality wasn't that bad, and not near as bad as I had thought it would be.
    Amazing what you can do with free softwares and some mic disipline! Literally, the only thing I paid for was the cheap mic.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I'm not worried about content at all, I don't want to sound conceited but I have no trouble making history sound interesting. What I know nothing about is recording audio and promoting it.

    Also what to name it.
  • How long does it take to train yourself to not say, "ah," "um," and other pause phrases?
  • edited December 2006
    How long does it take to train yourself to not say, "ah," "um," and other pause phrases?
    You say them anyway =P When I'm in between topics or I'm not into it, usually I start pausing. But when you get the momentum going you don't pause at all. It's like public speaking. Except you can edit it if you want to.
    I'm not worried about content at all, I don't want to sound conceited but I have no trouble making history sound interesting. What I know nothing about is recording audio and promoting it.
    Sound interesting!? History IS interesting! XD For recording, Audacity will do the trick. It's pretty easy to get started on.

    Now promotion...It's tough. Especially promos. No matter what you do, it will sound cheesy. The best way is to email other podcasts that you like and that have a relevance to your show's subject matter. For example, my podcast is for teens, right? So I emailed Jetset Show, a video podcast for teens, and asked if they could check my show out, and if they liked it, to please give me a mention. Which they did on their most recent show. Also, keep in mind what Scrym said on their "Self-Promotion" episode. (I paraphrase)"If it's awesome, people will find it. It may take a long time, but they will definitely find it when the world is ready for it."
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Thank you, any ideas on a name?
  • "On History- A retrospective podcast by Carolyn Jeffries"
  • "History for Morons (and you, too)"
  • I've got some name suggestions up on my blog, that's now the last thing I need. Tell me what you think.
  • I am also starting one soon.
  • I like "Tyranny of Time" a whole lot, but "One Damned Thing After Another" might hook people better.
  • I'm just about ready to go! My micorphone is working, the first episode is written and waitng to be recorded. Head on over to
  • Woo! Good for you! I'll subscribe as soon as I see a feed =)
  • Its all up and running! I may be a freak but when I saw my own podcast on my itunes I felt a little famous.
  • Nice intro, I look forward to future episodes. I couldn't find the show on iTunes, though.
  • Nice intro, I look forward to future episodes. I couldn't find the show on iTunes, though.
    Apparently they get approved, thats probably where the moderaters or staff pick the new and notable thing.
  • Yeah, it took a few days for mine to appear on iTunes. Anyway, I'm subscribing! =)
  • I once saw a very good video on how to make a podcast, in which 2 guys take you through each step of the podcasting processs, including tips on making the podcast sound better. In the video, they also interview the guy from This Week in Techonology (TWIT).

    Sadly, I didn't bookmark the page, and I can't seem to find it anymore when I google (which is how I found it in the first place).

    If anyone knows that I'm referring to, I'd love to be able to get a link to that page again. I remember it was kind of a sydicated vid cast, and the website had several groups of people touching on various things. But that's all I got.
  • edited January 2007
    Nice intro, I look forward to future episodes. I couldn't find the show on iTunes, though.
    Apparently they get approved, that's probably where the moderators or staff pick the new and notable thing.
    I just subscribed and I'm looking forward to more! Great job. Also, an easier way to subscribe is to go to the website and click on the add to iTunes link.
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
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