Digg has a new section just for podcasts. It's pretty awesome. It lets you digg specific podcasts or individual episodes of podcasts. It lets you play the podcast in Digg and everything. Somehow I think this is the end for all those podcast directories like Odeo, Podcast Alley, Podcast Pickle, etc. If you're looking for GeekNights on there, you'll have to wait. I tried to submit it, but someone else already beat me to it. Apparently we have to wait for someone to approve the show before you can start Digging it.
Digg will hopefully pwn the old guard.
-EDIT- There we go. They're all up.
PS. I also submitted the Penn Radio Podcast, for those who are interested.
Free advertising/exposure
No reason for new listeners to go to your site or post in your forums as they can just post in the Digg comments.