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Send me your SPAM!

edited December 2006 in Everything Else
Hey kids! Ever wanted to collect spam? Well, I do! So try to get as much spam to this email address as possible!

Here are some suggestions:
-Submit the address to spammy websites!
-Post it in bottom-of-the-internet forums! (4Chan for the braver of you!)
-Forward your spam to it!

What am I going to do with this incredible mass of spam? I have no idea. Post your ideas, get spam to this address, and fan my flames of boredom!


  • wtfbbqmate?
  • Don't ask questions, just submit to the inferno!
  • I'll try to get ya some penis pill spam.
  • While this was one of the stupidest ideas I've ever had, someone topped me ten-fold.
  • Why would he pay for the paper? Fuck, I hate people.
  • Why would he pay for the paper? Fuck, I hate people.
    I think we should just do away with people, once and for all.
  • edited January 2008
    (Post deleted by user)
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Back when faxes used a roll of special paper we used to get back at the junk faxers by taking a long sheet of black paper and making it into a loop. We wold then fax this perpetual black loop back to the junk faxer.
  • Back when faxes used a roll of special paper we used to get back at the junk faxers by taking a long sheet of black paper and making it into a loop. We wold then fax this perpetual black loop back to the junk faxer.
    OMG that's awesome hahaha I can just imagine the junk faxers face "NO... STOP... AHHHHHH!!!1!11!!oneone!!" ^_^
  • Back when faxes used a roll of special paper we used to get back at the junk faxers by taking a long sheet of black paper and making it into a loop. We wold then fax this perpetual black loop back to the junk faxer.
    Oldest trick in the book.
  • Back when faxes used a roll of special paper we used to get back at the junk faxers by taking a long sheet of black paper and making it into a loop. We wold then fax this perpetual black loop back to the junk faxer.
    Oldest trick in the book.
    You may have read the book, but I wrote some of those pages.
  • I'll be sure to send you some funny spam.
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