I think the worst dub I ever heard for a major motion picture has to be "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"
The dubbing was so bad (I think one of the characters said "awesome") that ten minutes in I stopped the DVD, turned on the original Mandarin audio track, turned on the subtitles and started the movie over again.
Every now and then I would flip audio just for a good laugh.
But yeah, that Sonic the Hedgehog movie was terribly dubbed. We watched the dub in Anime club for the lulz because I had seen it several times before and we had nothing else to do.
What makes it so sad is the guy only had one or two short lines. You would think that with only those lines, you would be able to at least do a good enough job that nobody would notice. The lines are delivered so poorly that what should be a quick throw-away scene stands out like a sore thumb.