Linux and an old Video card
I'm trying to run Ubuntu 6.10 on an old computer, and it runs fine, other than the fact that the resolution won't change from 640x480. I'm running a Trident ProVidia 9685. I have no idea what to do about this problem, because I'm not too horribly experienced with Ubuntu, or Linux in general for that matter. I have however went in and edited the file that controls the options for resolutions, but this didn't work. I might as well mention that no matter what Linux distro I use, the same thing happens. Anyway, Help!
I'm sure a little tweaking of the xorg.conf is all you need to do to fix this problem. It's something that you really should learn. Despite this being such an easy problem to fix, I would still go out and buy a cheap NVidia card for like $20. GeForce4 cards are easy to get, and they work teh awesome.
What sort of slots do you have? I might have some 4MB PCI video cards kicking around...