I'm not sure if this kind of post is kosher, but I thought I'd try anyway. Rym, Scott, feel free to delete the post if it's not OK.
My friend Dallas, a guy I play D&D with in the real world, is starting a play-by-post game, and we need players. There are already a few of us signed up, but we need a couple more. I'm asking here first because I know most of you are 1. very intelligent, 2. have an excellent command of the English language, and 3. are enormous geeks, and thus D&D players ^_~
Anyway, It's early days at the moment, the setting hasn't been developed much as yet, and it's very much up to the participants to define the world. If you have any interest in this game, send your emails to
dallas.matier@gmail.com, or reply to this post if you have any general questions. I guarantee it will be fun - my friend has run some twisted, amazing games in the past, and I'm sure this one won't be any different.
Do you know when you'll be starting and how often you will be playing (how often to email my actions)?
Anyway, we're still looking for one or two more players. If anyone else is curious, hit the link above and also apply for membership, ask some questions, and if it's not your bag, no harm done. Also, if you want a Gmail invite (because we plan to use Google Talk\Chat for combats), you need only ask.