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PS3s are now available to anyone who wants them.

edited January 2007 in Video Games
This link has been up all day on Ben's Bargains. It looks like that the PS3 shortage is over and whoever wants one can just buy it. I didn't end up buying an HDTV over the holiday, so there's no point in my getting one yet.

You still can't get a Wii for list anywhere that I know.


  • The reason you can get a PS3 without a problem is because no one wants it... to play anyway. And you can get a Wii if you want to invest some interest, the target near me is getting shipments almost every week you just have to be the first in line to get one.
  • I've been reading reports of people who failed to sell the system on eBay and instead returned it to the store to get their money back!
  • edited January 2007
    I dropped by Wal-Mart over my lunch break. There are 15 PS3s sitting under glass there, and nobody at all interested in looking at them. While I poked around the electronics department for about 20 minutes, six -- count them, six -- people approached sales staff checking for Wiis, but there were no contestants looking for PS3s.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • And the winner is...
  • I half-heartedly tried to get a Wii on Wednesday, stopped in a nearby Gamestop and asked the guy. He told me they'd sold out all their Wiis that today (coincedentally having gotten them in that morning) but they had PLENTY of PS3s if I wanted them (as if I was just browsing around like a nomad, searching desperately for some console, ANY console). This was repeated at a couple stores. Apparently you can just pick PS3s off the trees now.

    It took me twenty-some phone calls to finally track down a store that had a Wii, and even then I've been to four MORE stores looking for controllers to no avail.

    I always figured on Nintendo pulling ahead of the PS3, but dang. By this much?
  • Having multiple good games that aren't ports helps Nintendo's cause
  • There simply are no Wiis in Ohio. A friend drove to Michigan yesterday to buy one and we had our first Wii party last night. I can never go back. Don't make me go back to my MMOs and PS2s. Oh noes, now I'm damaged goods.
  • There isn't a single Wii in all of northern Michigan. Thats OK though, I don't have the money to buy one right now anyway :(
  • Sure enough... there were several sitting in my local Walmart today. Nobody was interested. Our Walmart is the ONLY place to purchase them within about a 50 mile radius.
  • I went shopping at the Danbury Fair Mall in CT and the two "video game" stores had plenty of PS3's but no Wii...

    We then went down the road to another one and it was the same story...

    I did pick up two used GC controllers for cheap and a copy of Mario Party 6 used.
  • Kind of makes spending $1200 on Ebay for an extra two or three weeks of gaming seem crazy, doesn't it?
  • I've seen one available at the 7-11 near work.
  • I remember a time when Starbucks was selling Pokemon packs for $5 because they were soooooo popular!
  • It looks like that the PS3 shortage is over and whoever wants one can just buy it.
    Unless you live in Australia in which case you have to wait until March and pay $999.
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