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Boot up problems

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
So yesterday I go to bootup my computer, but something goes wrong. After the motherboard splash what should appear but something like:

Starting Grub Stage 1.5

Error 17

And then my computer just sat there unresponsive.

Some history and background first. I have two hard drives on my computer. There's my old 120 gig IDE drive that I've had since my last system and which has Windows on it, and theres my new 300 gig serial drive that I got recently and which I've installed Ubuntu on. The windows drive is single partition, and the Linux drive has its main partition and a bit of swap space.

There are two things I see which could have caused the problem. The night before last I was installing Half Life 2, which involved reinstalling my drivers for my NVidia card. While I was doing the preliminary uninstall I mistakenly deleted my motherboard drivers too, but I had a CD and reinstalled them all (and then had several hours of good fun shooting terrorists). Lots of access to the drive in the install, downloading and decryption and the motherboard driver reinstall too.

Then there was the fact that, that same session I think, I set partition magic to automatically recognize my ext3 partition at boot. I suppose that might have hurt things too.

I tried yanking my Linux drive and the error code changed from 17 (Invalid device requested according to here) to 21 (Unknown boot failure). I tried yanking my Windows drive and there was no boot. Checking my bios reveaed that the windows IDE is my boot drive as you'd expect from the above.

Right now I'm in the enviable position of actually having slightly more hard drive space free than I have used, so its probably quite possible that I can recover everything. I'm working right now from my handy dandy Ubuntu boot CD and Partition Magic seems to recognize both drives correctly. My current plan would be to to a repair install on the Windows drive, change my boot drive to the serial Linux drive, partition the Linux drive, install Ubuntu on the other partition, and then mount the rest of the partition or somehow merge them. If one of you can see a problem with this plan, knows how to repair Grub more easily, knows how to do a repair install with Ubuntu, knows how to merge Linux partitions somehow, or knows something I haven't thought of I'd be very happy to hear of it.


  • Use a LiveCD and reinstall grub. You need to reconfigure it because you fooled around with your partitions.
  • edited January 2007
    Great. How do I do that? I doesn't seem to be in any of the (edit) menu items (/edit) and I don't have the Linux mojo to know what I'd have to enter at either the ubuntu or the live CD command lines to get that to work.
    Post edited by Symmetry on
  • edited January 2007
    My username is Symmetry there too. This isn't the only place I asked :)
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • In the end, its turn out that the ext3fsd Windows XP program overwrote my partition table to claim that my Linux partition was really a windows partition, so when GRUB stage 1.5 looked for where to find stage 2 it sort of threw up its hands in disgust. I just used cfdisk to correct the partition table.
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