GeekNights turns up #1 on a search for "anime." Also for "comics," "nerd," and "geekery." We're #3 for "manga," #8 for "technology," and #17 for "science."
I'm not sure what to say to that other than ph33r.
Upon further investigation, Yahoo podcast searches change on a semi-hourly basis. I don't know what the logic is behind it, but it's quite erratic.
So nevermind... ;^)
I'll post again if I find out the actual methodology.
Edit: it appears that yahoo suddenly got all confused about GeekNights. Their episode count and subscriber count suddenly changed, and the image is missing...
Might have something to do with the individual feeds for each day that we just deployed.
Ha ha! It looks like activating all those daily feeds for GeekNights momentarily confused Yahoo. We're back at number 1 for almost everything I listed above. In fact, we're number 1 for all three of Trogdor's linked searches now ^_^
Yeah, apparently our feed was only listing the most recent 10 podcasts. So I changed it to include ALL of our episodes. That is good for us for many reasons. But if you have your podcatching software configured poorly, or you are using crummy podcatching software, that will cause this to happen. I guess it's bad for us too, since it causes a lot of accidental bandwidth loss.
Yep, I think it's safe to say that Yahoo Podcasts sucks. I have a podcast called Movies You Should See. Now, baring in mind that I have NEVER EVER entered my podcast into Yahoo's directory, I actually have my show listed 3 times. On one of them the URL is one we haven't used since August last year. Go figure. Also not in any one of those three times have they managed to find the show logo graphic on the RSS feed. That's the RSS feed created by Libsyn and read perfectly by every podcast catcher on Earth apart from Yahoo Podcasts.
Tech is a tough market, but video games? You should come up with a shtick for video games. You have con coverage for anime, How Computers Work for tech day...
I still like the idea of hosting classic games and discussing them on the show. I recently got back in Counterstrike entirely because of the podcast.
Also, we have more spare PCs now. Once I have some free time, I'll see what kind of small servers we can build for some real old-school gaming like MegaTF or Action Quake. Barring that, I'll see if I can find a server to invade.
I work for Yahoo! Search Marketing in Burbank, CA. I'll see if I can find the name and internal e-mail address of someone who works with Yahoo! Podcasts so they can tell you guys what is going on. Perhaps you can also give them some tips on how to improve their system. Be nice guys, at least at first. :)
I'll start investigating when I get to work tomorrow. I'll keep you guys posted.
Very nice indeed
Yahoo Podcast search for "Anime"
Yahoo Podcast search for "Geekery"
Yahoo Podcast search for "nerd"
Upon further investigation, Yahoo podcast searches change on a semi-hourly basis. I don't know what the logic is behind it, but it's quite erratic.
So nevermind... ;^)
I'll post again if I find out the actual methodology.
Edit: it appears that yahoo suddenly got all confused about GeekNights. Their episode count and subscriber count suddenly changed, and the image is missing...
Might have something to do with the individual feeds for each day that we just deployed.
What does that mean? 20 people subscribed to the RSS feed total? Or just the Yahoo subscribers?
Board Games - 1
Manga - 1
Geekery - 1
Video Games - DNF
Tech - 8
Computers - 5
Tech is a tough market, but video games? You should come up with a shtick for video games. You have con coverage for anime, How Computers Work for tech day...
I still like the idea of hosting classic games and discussing them on the show. I recently got back in Counterstrike entirely because of the podcast.
I'll start investigating when I get to work tomorrow. I'll keep you guys posted.