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For all you Penn Jillette fans

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
Did you know that Penn Jillette is also an inventor?
Patent record

Interesting to say the least.


  • Damn you! I was going to post this.
  • Best to leave that sort of news to the archaeologists.
  • I'm an archaeologist.

    Why leave it to me and my peers? I guess there was a joke there, but I didn't get it. I sincerely hope this is just a reference I'm not aware of, and not my choice of career making me stoooopid. ;-)
  • I believe that news will now be stored in this location.
  • Penn Jillette is, indeed, my hero.
  • Blow dryer story FTW!
  • edited January 2007
    Yes, I admit it. I am a Penn Jillette fan, and I blame it all on Rym and Scott. Before I listened to GeekNights I had no idea that there was a Penn Jillette podcast. Thanks Rym and Scott for not only have you poisoned my sheltered Midwestern mind with anime and your own crazy ideas, *cough* the barge *cough*, you introduced me to the man that did the blow dryer story. And way to go on that idea Penn, my girlfriend would really get a kick out of that.

    Please do not put a new line between every sentence. That is not necessary.
    - Mr. Period
    Post edited by Apreche on
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