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The Ultimate Game Quiz

edited January 2007 in Video Games
Well, I don't know if it's the ultimate game quiz, but I thought it was worth sharing:

The Ultimate Game Quiz

The score to beat: 88%


  • I got 82% myself.
  • I got 94%
  • I got "88%". Due to a problem with the quiz, however, I actually got 90%.

    One of the questions had a serious problem. ^_~

    In asking which FPS had the first online play, they listed Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, and Descent. They claim that Quake is the correct answer, due to its having a built-in routable mechanism for doing so. Descent, however, also had online play, it's version simply was not routable without special consideration. It could be made effectively routable with networking tricks, or via services such as Kali or Kahn. It could also be played "online" on a LAN, some of which were actually very large at the time.

    Doom and Doom II also had effectively online play.

    The word "online" is ambiguous in this context. "Online" does not mean "on the Internet." It means "connected to, served by, or available through a system." A server providing content on an intranet or closed internet is just as "online" as a server providing content on the Internet.
  • "82%" I had some problems with some of the questions not being worded properly. Other questions were about games which I know nothing about.
  • I only got 52%... I know nothing about the more recent games...
  • I didn't have any issues with the quiz. There were about 3 things I really didn't know, 2 I got wrong, one I got right on a guess.
  • 80%. I missed many of the "identify this fps screenshot."
  • 88%, I'm quite surprised at myself.
  • Also a respectable 88%. That seems to be the line of separation between knowledgeable and elite.
  • 62%. A lot of those games were a little before my time.
  • 68%. The screenshots were the main hassle.
  • Bah.

    I got a 100%.
  • I only got 52%... I know nothing about the more recent games...
    58%. God.......
  • The wired pwned you ^_~
  • 62%. I'm actually kind of proud since I've never been into video games. I had a lot of lucky guesses.
  • The Street Fighter question tricked me.
  • I got 60%. :(
  • 64%, I don't know anything about FPSes.
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