GeekNights 070108 - Computer Majors
Tonight on
GeekNights, we explain the differences between all of those computer majors, including Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Microelectronic Engineering, and more. In the news,
Macworld and the
Consumer Electronics Show are coming, and Ubuntu adds more
support for useful yet not entirely free code.
Scott's Thing -
Autopsy PrankRym's Thing -
My friend the apostrophe is rarely used for pluralization. Do not worry about those very rare instances. You will not be scolded for missing them, because it is a topic of grammatical dispute. Your best bet is to never use apostrophes to pluralize. -Mr. Period
Oh, and do the world a favor and don't learn Basic. Learn either a language that teaches you important things like some flavor of Lisp or Assembly, or baring that a language thats actually useful like C++. Most of what you learn from Basic is just bad habits.
Lisp and Assembler really aren't languages any beginner should go for. They are very different from most other languages out there, and the concepts do not carry over into general programming knowledge. These are languages you learn when the need arises, they are not learning languages. I would even argue that C++ is not as useful today as it has been in the past. The key is to learn the fundamental concepts of procedural and object oriented programming. If you master that, you will be able to learn the specific syntax of any language in a matter of days.
I actually recommend Python as a great learning language these days.
If I had to choose a "Geekiest Band of All-Time", I would pretend to think about it for a second, then say They Might Be Giants.
Got-damn, that week without my computer really put me behind on my podcasts. I can't wait to listen to this episode, but I have to listen to the others first =P
C/C++ is still the best language out there and anyone who wants to be a programmer should know the basics of C.
[Edit] Okay, I've sort of figured this out. IS is basically Business with some technology on the side. So, unless I go to the local community college, I pretty much have to go out of state. I'm seriously considering pulling a YoshoKatana and taking out a ridiculous loan to leave for some faraway IT school.