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What is it about this forum that attracts all teh lawyers?

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
Kilarney, Hungryjoe, & moi. Am I leaving anyone out? Jason might as well be. Rym himself wants to be. I've been on other much larger forums with fewer JDs. What is it about this place? Makes for good threads though. The Resource War thread is good stuff.


  • edited January 2007
    The blue shading of the qoute boxes looks so much like those blue exam books, they attract me like a moth to a flame.

    Where and what do you practice?

    A major attraction for me was the number of archived podcasts. I'm in D.C. right now doing document review (bleh) and studying for the Patent Bar. I was just waived into the D.C. Bar - took just a couple of weeks short of a full calendar year. The archived podcasts are a big help in getting through the long document review hours. I wouldn't have the time and I wouldn't even know about this in '05 when I was still soloing in Louisville, KY.

    My wife is an attorney too. If it weren't for her getting a decent job here, I'd probably still be in KY.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Where and what do you practice?
    Cleveland, OH. I work with financial institutions mostly. I started out in litigation though and I would not want to do that again in a million years.
  • In a way, I kinda miss and want to go back to the criminal stuff. I am still very happy to be done with the domestic stuff.
  • I'm in D.C. right now
    Go to a caps game -_-
  • Lawyers tend to be at least a little bit smarter than most people. Smart people tend to be geeky. That's my guess.
  • Howdy Thaed, I live in Oberlin, just down 480.
  • Howdy Thaed, I live in Oberlin, just down 480.
  • I'm in D.C. right now
    Go to a caps game -_-
    I might eventually. We're still not really settled even though we've been here a year. We're living in a crappy apartment and most of our stuff is still in storage in KY. My wife is seriously house hunting in MD. We were considering commuting from Baltimore, but I think that's done now.

    When I was at U.K. (University of Kentucky, not Kansas. also not United Kingdom) I went to a few hockey games. I remember one in which these two guys started a big fight and they were nowhere near the puck. They weren't even close enough to say anything to each other before the fight. It was like they just said "Wanna fight?" "Sure." Then of course everyone else joined. I never knew what caused it, but every time I think about hovkey, I think about that fight.
  • I think it's more that there are two many fing lawyers in the world, they apparently have enough free time to troll forums on the internet while they gradually destroy our way of life ^_^

  • I'm an odd bird. If I wasn't a litigator, I'd love to be a tax lawyer.
  • Howdy Thaed, I live in Oberlin, just down 480.
    I get out that way every now and then. If we could bring some more people down here, we could do a GN Forum gaming session! :)
    I think it's more that there are two many fing lawyers in the world, they apparently have enough free time to troll forums on the internet while they gradually destroy our way of life ^_^
    Ah Cremlian, you have such kindness in your heart.
  • I studied commercial law at university for a couple of semesters. Can I be a lawyer too?
  • I am still at uni, I have no idea what I want to do with my life I may yet become a lawyer. Though probably not.
  • Hungryjoe is our very own Phoenix Wright ;)
  • Hungryjoe is our very own Phoenix Wright ;)
    OK, but I want to be The Butz
  • That's fine. You'll always get blamed if something bad happens, but you'll get to date supermodels.
  • Awesomes! So long as it's not this Larry Butz.
  • So Thaed, are you Friedman, Domiano, or Smith? lolz
  • So Thaed, are you Friedman, Domiano, or Smith? lolz
    Ambulance chasing at it's finest. I'd much rather do regulatory compliance than personal injury.
  • edited January 2007
    Lawyers tend to be at least a little bit smarter than most people. Smart people tend to be geeky. That's my guess.
    Sorry Scott but I have to disagree with this. I and my family have know several successful lawyers who are very good at being lawyers, but are excessively bad at just about everything else.
    Post edited by baltmatrix on
  • Sorry Scott but I have to disagree with this. I and my family have know several successful lawyers who are very good at being lawyers, but are excessively bad at just about everything else.
    Anecdotal evidence involving an incredibly limited sample and subjectivity.
  • Lawyers tend to be at least a little bit smarter than most people. Smart people tend to be geeky. That's my guess.
    Sorry Scott but I have to disagree with this. I and my family have know several successful lawyers who are very good at being lawyers, but are excessively bad at just about everything else.
    I specifically used the word "tend". I didn't say "are". Not that this is a serious debate, but my biggest problem with discussions on the Internet is that people do not read every word and interpret them as I have written.
  • edited January 2007

    Don't be so hard on his reading skills. He's not a lawyer.

    Post edited by Kilarney on
  • So would all these lawyers help us out if any of us got into deep shits.
  • So would all these lawyers help us out if any of us got into deep shits.
    We'd have to get licensed down-under. :)
  • So would all these lawyers help us out if any of us got into deep shits.
    We'd have to get licensed down-under. :)
    I could make a dirty joke out of that but I'm a nice girl so I won't.

    I could always commit my crime in the US embassy.
  • Uglyfred: *Choke* Thank you. I'm taking that as a compliment even though I hardly know anything about the character. Most of the time I've been a working adult, I was in court nearly every day. This past year has been the longest period I've been out of court and I'm beginning to miss it badly. Now that I've been waived into the D.C. Bar, I'm really tempted to try to get some position where I can get back to court, but I'd lose a lot of opportunity to get ready for the patent bar. Speaking of games, a good old one was "D.A.: Pursuit of Justice". It was a good trial game. Here's a good one you can download:
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