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GeekNights 070111 - Thunderdome

edited January 2007 in Everything Else

Tonight on GeekNights, we engage in the nerd equivalent of an orgy, bringing you the last-man-standing battles of: the Nerd Thunderdome. In the news, Cedar Point is building a new rollercoaster, and injustice still remains in the world.

Scott's Thing - Hotlinking BAD
Rym's Thing - Anti-Owned


  • "Edward elric can kick fireman's ass!"

    Fan-boy moment.
  • I think the hotlinking thing was a scam. This is clearly not a scam and far funnier: image
  • Even if that one hotlinking incident was a scam, there are dozens of verified ones that are similar in nature. People get banned from Fark on a regular basis for hotlinks that magically turn into Goatses...
  • I bet Seiya can kick Zeus and Odin's asses any day of the week. Now him against Hades is a different story, since in order to kill him he ended up quadriplegic. However, when his cosmos becomes almost infinite he can fight to speed of light. I think only Kenshiro can overcome that :P
  • I didn't think of it this morning, but I should have used Unicron to beat the Eva series.
  • I didn't think of it this morning, but I should have used Unicron to beat the Eva series.
    Unicron FTW!

    The one thing you guys forgot about (or just decided not to mention) is the Eva's AT field. Forget trying to find the Major, just extend the AT field across the arena and crush her. Also, in the battle with Cthulhu, all the Eva would have to do is invert its AT field thus creating a Sea of Daroc. That would swallow and trap Cthulhu is another space. Win!
  • edited January 2007
    Well you see, if you make the Eva passenger accept himself/herself for what they are the theoretical barrier will be destroyed and therefore you can basically squash his head.
    Any Character of Final Fantasy can do the Gravita spell that generates a Black hole that would absorb any monster to abyss of eternal darkness.
    And Poseidon can totally owns GSM's ass. You know what happen when you put to much water on the spaghetti,right?
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I gotta say I really like the Thunderdome idea. I personally would have said Kenshin to beat Van. Also likely most of the characters in Bleach could beat Van.
  • If Rym hadn't used the Movie EVA series, I would have countered with a child psychologist.
  • Getter Robo HAS defeated gods so it would kick any Eva's ass.
  • edited January 2007
    How come no one countered with Snorlax???
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Because in order to wake him up you will have to summon the scream of majin buu and no one wants to use a DBZ character
  • I use the Egyptian god cards to summon Obelisk the Tormentor!
  • Just for the sake of completeness, the hotlinking thing is from the Motivational Poster Thread of DOOOOM. You can find a bit more info there, but not much. About 30 to 50 pages back from when it was posted a few days ago. Which means somewhere around page 1800. Its a big thread :)
  • I enjoyed this episode and think you guys should do it again (maybe once a year, whatever). I have to admit that I'm not a Wednesday night geek so I didn't understand a lot of the references, especially the god with the invincible spear. In any event, I'd like to hear your comments on how a Jedi master would stack up. Let's say Obi Wan Kenobi at the peak of his Jedi career (Episode III). Given the rules you set forth, I would say that he would be equipped with a lightsaber. Gabby Jay and Mario don't stand a chance. I think he would be too cunning to give the death note guy his identity. I guess he would take his licks from the gal with the longitudinal spear...
  • edited January 2007
    This was probably my favorite episode ever. You guys must do another one of these one day.
    I use the Egyptian god cards to summon Obelisk the Tormentor!

    Also, I know you guys aren't Halo fans, but Master Chief would stand a great chance against the Major (provided he isn't hacked by Section 9). Also, why didn't you guys take it to Snake v. Sam Fisher? That's one I haven't ever been able to figure out.
    Post edited by Rooster on
  • edited January 2007
    *hangs head in shame because he forgets how to delete comments*
    Post edited by Rooster on
  • Are you kidding? Snake would own Sam Fisher, and Major would crush Master Chief like an insect.
  • What if the dead book dude met Clint Eastwood's character from "A Fistful of Dollars", ""A Few Dollars More", "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly" and "High Plains Drifter"? Wasn't he "The Man with No Name"?
  • Are you kidding? Snake would own Sam Fisher, and Major would crush Master Chief like an insect.
    Okay, first of all, Snake and Sam are probably statistically equal. The fight would probably be like an Ed-Al fight in that they fight to a draw.

    And secondly, there's no WAY the Major would beat Master Chief. The Spartan can flip tanks. The Major can't flip tanks. Besides, the Major can't take out a ship full of Flood and Covenant.
  • edited January 2007
    The Major can't flip tanks. Besides, the Major can't take out a ship full of Flood and Covenant.
    You haven't watched or read much Ghost in the Shell have you?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • And secondly, there's no WAY the Major would beat Master Chief. The Spartan can flip tanks. The Major can't flip tanks. Besides, the Major can't take out a ship full of Flood and Covenant.
    Are you fucking kidding me? The Major will win that fight every time.
  • Are you kidding? Snake would own Sam Fisher, and Major would crush Master Chief like an insect.
    Okay, first of all, Snake and Sam are probably statistically equal. The fight would probably be like an Ed-Al fight in that they fight to a draw.

    And secondly, there's no WAY the Major would beat Master Chief. The Spartan can flip tanks. The Major can't flip tanks. Besides, the Major can't take out a ship full of Flood and Covenant.
    1. They might seem that way, but they are obviously not. I don't remember Sam beating helicopters, tanks, mechs, psychics, cybernetic ninjas, etc. Sam is just sneaky, Snake is both sneaky and has the ability to fight anyone/anything straight up face to face.

    And 2. yeah you obviously haven't seen or read enough Ghost in the Shell. Never mind strength, she could easily hack the Spartan armor into a pile of scrap.
  • edited January 2007

    1. They might seem that way, but they are obviously not. I don't remember Sam beating helicopters, tanks, mechs, psychics, cybernetic ninjas, etc. Sam is just sneaky, Snake is both sneaky and has the ability to fight anyone/anything straight up face to face.
    Yeah, you're right. Good point.
    And 2. yeah you obviously haven't seen or read enough Ghost in the Shell. Never mind strength, she could easily hack the Spartan armor into a pile of scrap.
    You're right, I haven't. Well, sure, if she hacked, but, well, I guess Section 9 WOULD be available to help... But, one thing the Chief has over the Major: He can activate Halo. She can't, because she's not human, a Reclaimer.
    Post edited by Rooster on
  • And 2. yeah you obviously haven't seen or read enough Ghost in the Shell. Never mind strength, she could easily hack the Spartan armor into a pile of scrap.
    You're right, I haven't. Well, sure, if she hacked, but, well, I guess Section 9 WOULD be available to help... But, one thing the Chief has over the Major: He can activate Halo. She can't, because she's not human, a Reclaimer.

    Perhaps but even without Section 9 she could still hack him to pieces, she's driven a car while hacking a web chat, among other crazy hacking she's done. And wouldn't activating Halo kill them both?
  • Yes it would, but because the Chief activated it, he was the one to defeat the Major.
  • He can activate Halo.
    Having not played Halo, I don't know what this means. However, no items.
  • I know no items. That also means no hacks for the Major, right? What it means is that in the end, the Chief has the power to destroy all life in the universe, and the Major doesn't.
  • I know no items. That also means no hacks for the Major, right? What it means is that in the end, the Chief has the power to destroy all life in the universe, and the Major doesn't.
    The power to destroy the universe comes from outside of the enclosed and invincible arena. So, for example, Andy from Advance Wars is kind of crappy because he can't bring the army he commands into the arena with him. If the Chief needs to activate some such device to destroy the universe, he can't bring that with him. Even if it did destroy the universe, the arena would still exist because it's invincible. The major on the other hand doesn't need items to hack, she is the item. You really need to watch or read some Ghost in the Shell.

    I think what it comes down to is that nobody should be able to argue for a fighter unless they know them or unless the outcome is obvious. So if you want to argue about some character from a fighting anime I never watched, I can't say anything. Unless of course the opponent is Unicron, in which case the outcome is obvious.
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