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Weird B5 Question.

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
I had this thought the other day (my friends lent me the entire Babylon 5 series for my recovery) and would like to know if anyone familiar the show can help me out.

How do the Mimbari give birth? Cause unless those head bones grow later it would be quite painful to give birth in the normal way.

While I was writing this the new episode started written by Neil Gaimen and guest starring Penn and Teller. Weird.


  • I believe the Minbari give birth just like humans. If you've seen the entire series, there's a compelling reason why that may be so (Hint: Valen).
  • That's what I thought but those bone things are sharp! I'd definatley want a C-section.
  • The answer.
    The notable headbone structure on the back and sides of their head is an extension of their skull. Minbari are not born with the headbone present. Instead the headbone grows over time. Female Minbari have a smooth headbone which tapers to a single point at the back of the head; males typically have headbones which taper to several points along the bone.
  • Thanks, that makes me feel much better for the poor Mimbari women, childbirth is painful enough (not that I've experienced it).
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