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Odd Situation

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
My school recently had a "dash for cash". One of my friends was chosen to participate. When the dash started he ran as fast as possible to the far corner of the gym and started stuffing the cash, which was placed by other students, in his pocket. When it was all over they students that participated stood in front of the gym and said how much money they picked up, and when it was my friends turn he started pulling the money out of his pockets, guess what he pulled out along with some 1's. An opened condom.

Well, the principal punishes him by making him write a report about "communicable diseases" and says that he needs to do 3hours of community service. My friend refuses to do either since its not his fault, and the principal said that if he doesn't do the community service in the next day, he has to go to ISS until its complete.

Im wondering what your guys' take is on this whole situation. Can a principal do this? Can they give you community service, and then suspend you until you do it? I highly doubt this, but I don't know much when it comes to this kind of stuff. I know there are some lawyers around here so, a little help please?


  • 1. What is ISS?
    2. Yes, the principal can do this. That's why he/she is the principal.
    3. They sure can give you community service and suspend you.

    School is, unfortunately, not a democracy. He has no rights in regards to unfair punishment. If, say, the punishment went against law, then you'd have something to fight. But the school can punish you in any way for any reason they decide is appropriate. Now, I won't say that the administration didn't over-react, but there's nothing you can do about it and it's not worth fighting for three measly hours of community service and a report.
  • ISS is In School Suspension. Basically you just sit in a room for six hours and they dont give you any work to do, so you get really far behind in your classes.
    Our principal is new, hes an asshole(the teachers don't even like him), and he used to weigh like 500 pounds before he got surgery.
    Its just that the student was very respectable, got A's, etc. and there are kids that do crazy bad stuff and get nothing for it.
    Its not my problem anyway, and I guess its just his luck.

  • Was the condom his?
    Why was it open?
    Was it used?
    Who keeps the money?

  • My friend refuses to do either since its not his fault, and the principal said that if he doesn't do the community service in the next day, he has to go to ISS until its complete.
    How is it not his fault?
  • Yeah school punishments aren't usually fair, but its not possible to fight them without getting the entire community on the side of your friend, and by the time that happens it'll be a few months.
  • There is some serious context missing here.

    I am assuming, since it was opened, that this was an intentional prank. If it wasn't, this kid has some other issues.

    If it was an intentional prank, then he's got to take what he gets. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
  • It was some sort of assembly. A dash for cash is where someone places money at one end of the gym, and then students on the other side race over and grab as much money as they can. After its all over you announce how much you got. its really stupid.
    This time students were the ones placing the money, and one of them put the condom down. And my friend just happened to be the one to pick it up, and he didn't know he picked it up because he was just stuffing everything into his pockets. Then when it was his turn to announce how much he got, he reached deep into pockets and bam. There it was.
  • A likely story . . .
  • edited January 2007
    A likely story . . .
    Are you implying that Im not telling the truth? If so, why would I lie?
    Post edited by everlight on
  • edited January 2007
    Oh, I'm sure that's what your "friend" told you. It couldn't possibly be that he's a horndog slut. . .

    LOL. Please, Please accept my apologies. It was just too good a set up. Seriously, only good-naturedly teasing.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • The only way your friend has an out is if the person who dropped the condom in comes foreward. Other than that...I think he may want to consider finding a charity that he wants to spend some time at during a weekend and just do the time. Habitat for Humanity was lots of fun when I went to help them build a house.
  • "Your friend" (wink wink nudge nudge) could always use the virgin defense.
  • An opened condom.
    Ok, was it used? If so, why not get a DNA test? (Not sure if you still have it, or how much it costs) If not, how could he get in trouble for endangering the kids with diseases?
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