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Thrift Store Goodness

edited January 2007 in Everything Else
While visiting the local thrift store today I ahppened to come across a very pristine set of the Lordo f the Rings books from 1973 in a gold foil slipcase. These are the paperbacks most of us knew from the 70's with Tolkien on the back holding his pipe.

Now I'm facing a problem. The slipcase could hold a fourth book (the Hobbit) but there was no sign of it at the thrift store. I only paid $1.50 and consider it a great deal but is it possible the fourth book is hiding somewhere on those thrift store shelves?

There is no ISBN number on the slipcase but it is from Ballantine Books. The individual ISBN numbers are:




  • Is it this set? If so, it's three books.
  • That link is blocked by my corporate firewall...
  • That link is blocked by my corporate firewall...
    I share your pain... ^_~
  • Is itthis set?If so, it's three books.
    That's the set my mom has.
  • It is this set, but gold not red.

    Guess I am missing one book...
  • You should demand a 25% refund.
  • Oh, wow. I didn't even realize that was a set. Like I said, my mom has the first set which does not include the Hobbit. The copy of the Hobbit she has is the one from that set. It's really old and beat up, I think the cover fell off. You don't want it.
  • I have The Hobbit from that set. It was in good shape the last time I saw it in 2002. It's at my parents' house if my mother hasn't thrown it away. . .
  • hungryjoe... if it is in good shape we may be able to work out a deal...

    I do have to wonder why they made a gold box and a red box that year and if one is more valuable than the other.

    I am mostly surprised that the books look they were never even opened! The Hobbit was probably removed for reading and the rest where left somewhere to slowly expand due to moisture in the air. IT would be hard to get a fourth book into the slipcase at this point, but not impossible.
  • Well, the prob is that it's 500 miles away in KY if it still exists.
  • It would also have to match printings to complete the set in the eyes of a collector.
  • I picked up that same set for $8 each at a used book store earlier this year. Mine also did not have The Hobbit with it, and did not include the slipcase. I feel cheated. Normally, I would have picked up a cheap $.50 paperback somewhere, but I wanted the same edition I grew up reading from my dad's bookshelf.
  • Thrift shops are awesome! I used to volunteer in the Save the Children book shop, the books I didn't want to buy I read there, and when I found something I wanted from a new donation I could price it myself then buy it. I left cause the old lady in charge was convinced I was there on Work for the Dole and treated me like shit. Apparently she's left now, I might go back.
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